september 1st 2019

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I know that we're all doomed,
That one day, everything we built will be nothing but ruins,
That every ruin will return to ashes,
That every ash will return to Star dust,
And that our sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have.
But I love you,
Even if I know that nothing ever last,
That Time always win.
That it never stopped,
And will never stop.
That even Quasars will fade,
And black holes vanish.
We only are here for a brief moment.
And the only thing that make life worth it is love.
I believe that we are like particles.
That like quantum entanglement,
We can feel what the other feels,
No matter the distance.
I believe that you are the reason why I'm born.
And now that I found you, I'll love you.
And that like particles, I will always be related to you.

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