16. day 10

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chapter sixteen

day 10

"Mom?" Elliot stands shocked as he takes in the tall, slender woman before him — his mom.

Since his aunts — Jules and Garcia, and his mom have been chatting animatedly, they didn't realise his presence until they heard him. All the three of them turn around simultaneously; while Jules and Garcia exchange nervous glances, Elliot's mom lips spread into a wide smile as she sees her son.

"Hi, honey," she puts down the mug she is holding in her hands and steps forward.

Elliot doesn't waste another second, he strides towards her and wraps his arms around her, laughing breathless, fresh tears springing to his eyes, "Mom," he sighs, his voice all choked up.

He hasn't even realised how much he missed her until he saw her. He breathes in her lavender scent, and tightens his embrace even more.

"My boy," his mom strokes the back of his neck, smiling, "Come here, let me look at you," she pulls away from the embrace and cups his face in her hands.

"When did you come here? How? Why didn't you tell me?" Elliot starts with his questions, now that the initial shock of seeing his mom standing in front of him has started to subside.

"Only landed this morning, and your aunts has invited me days ago, they wanted it to be a surprise for you," she pats his cheeks.

Elliot turns to look at his aunts who are smiling sheepishly, and all he can do is just chuckle overcome with joy. A part of him has been truly saddened by the fact that he would be spending Christmas alone that year — not alone technically since he does have his aunts, but still he couldn't help but yearn for his family, the people he grew up with.

"I missed you," he hugs his mom once again.

"I missed you too, baby,"

And then he goes to his aunts and pulled them both into his arms as well. Compared to himself and his mom, his aunts are shorter women — Garcia is only a few inches shorter than him, but Jules barely reached his shoulders.

"Thank you, zie,"

"Merry Christmas, Elio,"


Elliot sits at the dining table with his mom. She has just woken up and having her lunch although it is almost 4 pm then. Garcia and Jules are in the living room, still decorating the majestic tree they'd bought. At the rate they're going, Elliot doubts they would be done even after Christmas.

He has his arms crossed on the table, and his chin settled comfortably on top of them, his phone set just inches away from him. He has been checking phone incessantly since that morning which only leaves him feeling unsettled and frazzled. He is no longer upset, just plain worried — his brain has finally accepted that Josh has only thrown the words to get him away from him, he can't have meant it.

He knows his golden boy better than that.

But still every time he picks up his phone to text or call him, he backs out and locks his phone — what if he doesn't answer, what if he doesn't reply. And so, he decides it is better to just wait — although his patience is barely even there anymore.

"I thought you'd be happy to see me here," his mom suddenly speaks up, stealing his attention away from the pesky little device, "Why are you sulking?"

Elliot scoffs, sitting up, "I'm not sulking,"

"Sure you aren't," she pushes her plate away having finished eating and fixes her attention on her son, "What's bothering you?"


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