chapter 5

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[Moose Rump, Maine February 1878]
It was late noon in the town of Moose Rump. John stirred for a moment before waking up with a yawn and a stretch of his arms. He pulled himself from the cheap bed the inn provided. It had been three months since the death of his parents as well his house catching on fire and he vowed he'd find the people responsible.
He couldn't get much information, but he was told that they were two tan colored men, twins and had black soot around their eyes. Then again, that might've been all the information he needed. The morning following that tragic night, John had left in pursuit of the two men, not mentioning to anyone where he was going. Since then he's been on his own.
Once fully dressed, John checked out of the inn. He planned to head to the next town to see if he could get more information on the two men. That's when he noticed something. Checking out the sky, John could see a cloud of smoke. From what he could tell, it seemed to be the kind of smoke that comes from a huge fire.
???: looked at all of that smoke (A man said).

???: Must be coming from the next town over (A woman added).

JJJJJ: The next town? Maybe I can find those guys there ( thought himself).
With some hint of where to go, it was now time for John to head out. Luckily for him, the horse stables were still intact. He hopped on his horse, Bolt's back. Giving a light kick, the horse released a loud neigh and galloped out of town with its owner, leaving a trail of dust behind them.
Portland, Maine...
JJJJJ: Whoa! ( pulled back the reins, causing his horse to skit to a hault).
Despite it happening two hours ago, there was still some smoke in the air. As he walked, he caught a glimpse of the now burned down bank... and suffice to say, it scorched to a point beyond repair. He saw people gathered around in front of the destroyed bank. John had a feeling the some of them might've known what caused such a fire, given their dirty and soot covered clothes.
JJJJ: What happened here? (asked a man in a vest that he assumed was the owner).
TB: These two men threatened to kill us if we didn't give them all the money in our bank. We gave them all the money, but then they locked us in and set the place on fire.
JJJJJ: Do you remember the two men looked like?
TB: If I remember correctly, they were both the same height and looked the same. They had soot around their eyes. One had a mustache and short hair, and the other had a goatee and long hair tied into a ponytail.
It was an average morning in the town of Portland. Most people were spending the day with their families and going grocery shopping, while others were at the saloon having a drink or at bank making deposits or withdraws. All was peaceful. That is, until two men walked into the bank. The Weston twins.
B: Hello, and what can I do for you two gentlemen today?
T: Hands in the air! ( as he and his brother Sam pulled out their guns and pointed them at the bank owner).

S: This here's a stick up. Give us all the money in the bank or everyone here gets their brains blown out! (threatened pointing his gun at the crowd of people that had gotten in the fetal position).
The bank owner backed up, his arms up in the air. He turned around and rotated the giant lock on the back to the left, thus unlocking the safe. Tom handed him a huge sack, allowing him to fill it with all the money within the safe. Slinging the full sack over his shoulder, Tom and his brother made their way out of the bank. But not before leaving them a little gift.
Pulling out two bottles of rum, Sam stuffed paper into the openings and lit them on fire, before tossing them in opposite directions of the building. The people screamed as parts of the bank were engulfed in flames. Once outside, the brothers used a plank of wood and some nails to board up the door, preventing the people inside from escaping. The twin laughed maniacally as they rode off into the distance, leaving the bank and the people within to burn.

[End of Flashback]

JJJJ: So, how'd all of you escape? (raising an eyebrow).

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