A Lucid Dream

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It hurt, but my mind wasn't focused on that, the fact that my skin wasn't healing as it used to tricked my nerves into thinking it wasn't important.

"(Y/n)! What're you doing?!" My father ran to me and took my wounded hand, using his kimono to apply pressure to the wound.

"(M/N)! Get the medkit! Why are you being so careless today?" This isn't my father, this is a stranger.

I shoved him away into the light and he wasn't burning up, I don't know what's real anymore.

"Was everything just one big nightmare?" I muttered.

My mother came rushing in with the white box and immediately started wrapping up my wound. I was in a complete daze.


The food was amazing, normally everyone's always on edge and the feeling of suffocation was constant, but this was nice, everyone was laughing and talking together.

It was nice but...This doesn't feel right, this isn't someplace I can live in, it was like I was in an entirely different household.

"I'm full." I set my chopsticks down, taking my unfinished food to the sink.

"But you barely ate anything, honey, are you feeling okay?" My mother asked.

"I'm fine, I just need some air."


"If this is the work of a demon then they're pretty bad at manipulating people." Though I myself don't even realize what I really want.

"Isn't it me?"

I look beside me to see a boy with yellow hair and a yellow haori with triangle patterns, he smiled deeply, as if he just saw the love of his life.

"Poor (Y/n)-chan...all you wanted was for someone to love and care about you...your family obviously couldn't provide that right? So I will give you all the love you never had!" He cups my face, his own face flushed a deep pink. His head loomed over mine and it felt like the constant sunshine had suddenly disappeared.

"In return, you'll stay here with me forever, we'll become a family! Have beautiful children, grow old-and, and, die together!" The more he went on the more insane his tone got, his grip on my face moved towards my neck.

"Z-Zenitsu..." His grip got tighter, I tried to remove them but they wouldn't budge.

Maybe it was better this way, to die in here with the people I cared about, to die in the hands of someone I thought I could love.

I know you aren't that weak.

I couldn't even save a single person, I even killed a person, I deserve death.

It's your duty as my daughter to surpass the demon king.

I never wanted this, stop forcing your fantasies on me.

Your allies are waiting for you.

Don't use my friends to bait me.

Only death awaits you, would you rather save them or perish along with them?


I'll be waiting, (Y/n).

I snapped my eyes open and gripped Zenitsu's wrist, tearing them off me.


"Die in a hole, trash. Didn't I tell you your technique was bad?" I smirked, jumping away to find a way out.

I sense an anomaly and see a rip in the fence, almost like someone ripped a piece of fabric with a dull knife.

I tried to go in but it didn't work, another invisible wall was there.

'Crap, what now.' I couldn't use my sword since I was in my kimono-oh wait never mind, when did it turn back?

I unsheathed my sword and cut the invisible wall, there was a little resistance but I managed to cut through.

I rushed in to see an empty space all around, it was just white, pure white, nothing to be seen.

There was a little speck in the distance and they were running towards something.

Being a trained swordsman, I quickly caught up to the person, tugging at their kimono, "Who are you."

"AIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!!! WHY ARE YOU IN YOUR UNCONSCIOUS ZONE?! The girl shrieked, unconscious zone? Is it this blank white space?

"Listen, I don't know who you are but you seem to know your way around this place so if you don't mind, can you show me the exi-WOAH." I easily dodged the ice pick she held and slashed at me with.

"What's the big idea?!" This girl was a human so I couldn't attack her.

"I...I won't let you get in the way of my happy dreams!!!" She angrily shouts and I thought she was going to come at me again but she turned around towards an crystal looking orb, it had cracks all over it and was (F/c) but the middle was stained black.

I didn't know what it was but if she prioritizes that over me then it's obviously important, I slid over between her and the orb and let the ice pick stab through my hand.

"Gah!" She sweats, retreating back for another stab, was this demon really using weak humans as pawns?

I grabbed her arms and restrained her by pulling her to the ground, my knee on her back and her arms held together with one hand.

"Ugh! Get OFF ME! STOP GETTING IN OUR WAY!" Why is she so hell bent on the demons plans?

"Look here, I'm not gonna stop you from doing whatever, I just want a way out of this hell hole."

"There's no way out, you're going to die here!" She struggled to no avail.

I turned my attention back to the orb, it was kinda just suspended in the air, emitting a soft glow.

"I can tell you're not gonna talk but just saying, I'm not gonna budge until I get something useful out of you."

"You don't understand, if I don't succeed, he'll never let me have happy dreams again!" Her face was disheveled in tears and sweat, strands of hair stuck to her face.

I sighed, remaining silent while she quietly sobs.

"I understand what it's like to want a happy ending, I really do, but I've done something unforgivable and I'm unable to achieve it. There's still a chance for you to reach your happy ending without resorting to false fantasies."

"Spare me your sentimental talk! You don't understand anything!"

I sighed at how pitiful she was, does she think she's special just because she's depressed? Does she think she's the only one in the world who feels sad? Who does she think she is? She doesn't deserve anything, self centered, narcissistbratuselesspatheticconcieted-


I think I broke something.

Why is she screaming?

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." I stared blankly at her writhing body as I slowly stood up.

Suddenly, my body burst into flames and I was slowly starting to feel drowsy.

Before long, I passed out, and my eyes shot open to reveal Nezuko in front of me.




wooo another chapter

Btw I have a Splatoon gaming channel now if u maybe like that game and wanna subscribe to me that'd be rly nice 👉👈


My Lovely Demon [Zenitsu x Demon! Reader] (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now