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Hoseok p.o.v

"i seriously don't want to go right now I'm just not up for dance practice today" I let out as jungkook was trying to get me up. "C'mon hobi hyung it isn't so bad, it's just an hour then we can go home again."

"Kook shut the fuck up, let him stay home if he really isn't feeling himself, it's not like he's gonna miss anything" tae spoke up for me which resulted in jungkook letting go of me with a pout.

"I'm just gonna call in sick I'm not gonna make it a habit don't worry."  

jungkook continued to pout as he made himself comfortable in my arms sighing like the little shit he is. "But hyung it's just not the same without you." i laughed "It's just one class kook, come on it's not that bad."

"Fine hyung but don't call us when we arrive to let us call in sick for you anyway because you are a pussy."

"yeah, yeah just fuck off you bitches, take some coffee with you on the way back for me" i yelled after them as they rushed off.

Damn i really didn't think this through, I sighed before reaching out to my phone that was currently laying on the coffee table. Here goes nothing. I took a deep breath before pressing the call button.

"Hello dance academy speaking how may i help you?" I let out a breath relieved that sooya picked up and i didn't have to talk with one of those bitches. "I swear to god soo you sound so fake."

"Shut up hoesuck or do i need to remind you that i can just walk down the hallway and tell them who you really are." I hufd before shutting myself up knowing she would do it. I swear to god if we could still burn witches I'd have her on a wooden stick already.

"Why are you calling seok i saw those two rats sneak in just now laughing their asses off what did you do this time?" She asked chuckling softly before i heard her annoying chair roll.

guessing she made herself comfortable i started to speak up quite offended.

"What do you mean what i did this time i havent done shit." I said making her stiff a laugh before getting an just tell me the truth dumbass back. "okay so i may or may have not expose myself to them already and it's just fucking awkward."

"you know that truly sounds like a you problem, you shouldn't run away from your problems seok " rolling my eyes i made my way to the fridge getting myself a drink. "I'm not running away from my problems I'm pretty much jogging."

the line was completely quiet for a moment before i heard a deep almost mocking laugh. wait sooya doesn't have such a deep laugh

"i give you 12 minutes to get here Jung."

and with that he cut the call.

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