{}Chapter 8{}

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"Let me go!" Jimin yelled and struggled as he cried non stop trying to get lose from the grip

"LET HIM GO!" I yelled



That was the last thing I heard from Jimin before the door closed. I sat there in shocked and started crying as I realized Jimin was gone and I wasn't able to help him

'No no no no this can't be happening'

'Jimin I'm sorry! I'm sorry I couldn't help you'

I heard the door open and seen the same man from earlier come in and he grabbed me dragging me towards the door

"LET ME GO!!" I yelled as I struggled to get out of the mans grip but it was no use


Suddenly I heard people yelling out numbers which I assumed was the amount of money they were gonna give and I realized I was in the black market

"Let me go!! I'm not going! Let go" I screamed as I kept struggling to get out of the mans grip

"Now this next one is the most Beautiful man to ever be seen please bring him up"

The man dragged me onto the stage the lights blinding me making me close my eyes and re-opening them so I could see

"Alright let's start"

I heard numbers being thrown out all over the place

=???'S POV=

I was in the back of the room watching as people throwed out numbers

"$30 million"

"$40 million"

"We're at $40 million anyone else"

"$60 million" I called out making everyone go quiet

"Anyone else wanna go any higher"

No one spoke


I turned to one of my men

"I want him in the house before I get back understood"


And with that I walked out of the place and got in my limbo as my driver started driving

'This may be quite interesting' I thought as I smirked to myself

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