{}Chapter 11{}

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The tears started to spill from my eyes as I thought about the events that had occurred earlier. I looked up to the sky as I started crying more

"Mom..I'm sorry..I couldn't protect him like you told me to..I really tried to I really did but I still failed..I am a failure just like dad said I am..I'm sorry mom"

I started crying harder as I thought about how Jimin could be hurt or even worse dead because of me. I was crying so much and was so into thought that I didn't hear anyone walk up on me


I looked up at where the voice came from to see a tall, strong, handsome man standing in the doorway

"Why are you crying"

"I-I'm sorry I'll leave now" I said

I got up and walked over to the slide door opening it enough for me to get past the man and walked into the room, I was about to leave the room but I felt a pair of hands wrap around waist and turn me around, It was the man

"No answer me. Why are you crying"

I looked away from him but he turned my face back towards his

"Why are you crying"

I stayed silent for a few seconds before I decided to speak again

"I-I wa-was thinking a-about my best friend and my m-mom" I said and tears started to roll down my face

"Why what happened to them"

"W-well my m-mom died in a c-car accident when I was young"

"What happened to your best friend then" He asked

"My best friend h-had gotten t-token away from me y-yesterday and I d-don't know where he i-is and he might be d-dead because I couldn't h-help him" I started to cry again

He pulled me to closer him and wrapped his arms around my waist. I was surprised but eventually I started to cry harder on his chest

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