Part 1 Chapter 1

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I apologize in advance for the crappy battle scenes. in my defense, i have no defense.

The sun was low, and it casted a golden hazy glow on the charming city. It was calm, as if the world itself was getting ready to wind down, and settle into a smooth and soft night. Some people however, were doing anything but settling down.

"Ok boys, remember," Toshinori starts, looking down at the two eager teens in front of them. They had just gotten off their flight so the two were ramped up., He never did get to finish his sentence

"Shut up! Let's just go already!" The blonde trainer shouts, dashing off down the streets. Charging headfirst into Lumiose City, where his Kalos journey was to begin.

"Dammit Kacchan! You don't even know where you're going." Shouts the green haired teen, clearly exasperated with his friend and rival ditching him. "I'm gonna go find him. Meet you at the pokemon center!" he throws over his shoulder to his stepdad, before sprinting off in the general direction his companion went in. Leaving his stepfather and mentor alone outside of the airport.

Are you serious?! The moment you're allowed on your own you dash off like some headless chicken leaving me to chase after you. You really haven't changed. Where am I?-

"Tch. Finally nerd. Where's your old man?" Bakugou asks, sitting on the wall outside the pokemon center. Unlike Midoriya, who is panting and clearly drained from chasing the tempramental boy halfway across the city.

Took him long enough.

"Well Kacchan, I wouldn't have taken so long if you hadn't dashed away like that." Bakugou rolls his eyes. He stands and pushes past Midoriya, making his way towards the pokemon center

"Whatever nerd. Let's just get inside, it's late and we're battling in the morning." The green trainer follows blindly, trailing after Bakugou into the building.

A bit later Toshinori arrives at the pokemon center. He greets the trainers,

"Well, while we're here let's get you registered for the kalos league." He offers, leading both of them over to the counter. Midoriya follows eagerly, while Bakugou grumbles about the time, and his obvious desire to get some rest.


When Kirishima woke up, it was not in his bed at home, to his mothers singsong voice calling him down for breakfast. Instead, it was to a gentle thrum of an engine, and the stiff, but not terribly uncomfortable seat. He turns, to look down the aisle at his friends,

"We should be getting off soon, are you guys pumped or what?!" The redhead grins, body filling with energy and excitement, effectively waking himself up. He notices that his friends are also in the stages of waking up

"I mean sure, anything to get out of the house." Todoroki shrugs, yawning

I really only agreed to come to get away from the island. I don't really have any other plans or goals. Maybe I'll eat something other than cold soba, thats drastic and different right?

"Oh cheer up grump, maybe you'll find something interesting here. At least be a little optimistic." Jirou sighs, fiddling with her earbud cord earrings. She also looks like she just woke up, her eyes are unfocused and her face is lax. Todoroki just shrugs again

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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