Miku and 2D - Nice to meet you!

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A/N: for context, Miku is visiting England along with the others for this story

It was just another day at Kong Studios, Murdoc was in in his room doing god knows what, Noodle was playing something on her GameBoy and Russel was looking through a book he found in the basement, as for 2D he went out for a walk since there's nothing better to do.

The streets of England were surprisingly empty today, there weren't many people outside besides those going to their jobs or shopping, this was a good thing for 2D however since it meant he won't have to hide whenever a girl notices him.

Feeling a little tired, 2D sat down by a nearby fountain, his head hanging down and looking at the ground, not noticing or hearing the footsteps of someone walking over to him.

"Um, excuse me but is it ok if i sat down here?" they said

2D looked up, feeling a little startled as he didn't notice them coming up to him , when he looked up, there was a young looking girl with turquoise pigtails, turquoise eyes and what seemed to be a leather suit with thigh high boots, needless to say her look was very futuristic like.

"w-what?" 2D said, still looking at the girl in awe.

"oh, I asked if it's ok to sit down here" she replied

"O-OH sure go ahead! hehe" the man replied, his face a little red from embarrassment 

The girl sat down next to him, pulling out what seemed to be a video game device

2D grew curious on what she was playing so he decided to ask her

"excuse me miss, but what's that you're playing on?" he said, pointing at the device

"oh! it's a PSVita! i take it everywhere i go! i'm playing my rhythm game on it!" the girl said cheerfully

" 'your' rhythm game? what do you mean by that?" the blue haired man said, confused on what the girl meant

"oh right... i forget not everyone knows or listens to us.. i'll introduce myself!" she said putting her system down

"my name is Hatsune Miku! i'm part of the Vocaloids, we're the most famous popstars in Japan as far as we know! our games are known as Project Diva and they feature alot of our songs both new and old!" the pigtailed girl explain.

"so your like... an idol?" 2D said, slightly confused.

"yeah! that's right! why?" Miku said

"well, i never thought idols had such... colorful hair, or such tight clothes"

"well, it's just how we're made to look!" she giggles "you're funny, what's your name?" Miku asks

"oh my name? i'm 2D but... you can call me Stuart!" the boy replies, he's never given anyone his real name if he just met them but there was something about this girl that felt... different

"2D... that's a nice name! we should hang out sometime! i wanna know you better" she says

"yeah... me too! maybe we could meet here again next week?" 2D says

"sure! sounds great!" 

"then i guess i'll be seeing you... Miku" 2D says, making his way home

Miku waves goodbye and takes her path as well.

Miku and 2D (Gorillaz x Vocaloid)Where stories live. Discover now