A Stay At A Stable

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All five of them were little more than a sweaty, dishevelled heap by the time they stood outside the stable.
A thin weasel of a man with an oversized beetle-shaped backpack ran up to the first green-clothed heap-Legend-and started waving a bundle of arrows in the air.
''Come one, come all,'' he started squealing in an annoyingly shrill voice, ''come and see Beedle's wares! Shocking discounts, variety like you will not see anywhere else-''

Sky glowered at him. ''Buzz off, merchant boy,'' he snarled, picking himself up off the ground just enough to look menacing rather than pathetic when he shook his fist.
The merchant's eyes widened, and the man took off indoors.
''Lousy man. Thousands of years later, and he's still being a pain.''

''You know him?'' Legend turned to face Sky from his reclined position.
''That sad excuse of a merchant has kicked me out of his airborne shop more times than I can count,'' Sky muttered, pounding his fist into his hand. This scared everyone; Sky was usually the nicest and calmest of them all.
Wild got up and put his hand on Sky's arm. ''I don't like him either, but please don't cause a scene. We're here to get horses, not to slice and dice Beedle.'' Wild wisely didn't mention the time he himself had run over Beedle with Master Cycle Zero. That would be imprudent.
Little Time had pulled himself off the ground, and turned around to look at the stable. One thing in particular caught his eye: a metal cooking pot crouched over a dancing flame. They had been walking all day in the humid heat of Faron, and the idea of a warm tasty meal was tantalizing. He was about to mention this to the others when his stomach let out a massive growl. Twilight jumped up, searched around, waved his Royal Broadsword around menacingly(Legend winced when the sword point ended up near his face), until it dawned on him that the little Hylian was hungry.
''Well, what do we have?'' Twilight rummaged through his bag of holding, hearing jars clank against one another. "Come on, we all carry bottles around with us. Surely someone has something decent for Time to eat." One of Twilight's bottles sloshed around. His mouth watered at the memory of Yeto's cheesy soups, but his heart sank when he pulled it out and held it up to the dying light; and he discovered it was just water.

Sky sheepishly held out a fistful of blue butterflies. Twilight rolled his eyes. Butterflies? How was Time supposed to eat butterflies?
Legend came up empty-pocketed, but Wild pulled out his fancy Sheikah Slate, and asked Time nicely what he wanted for supper. The way he leaned over, a bright smile on his lips, made the others internally smile. Wild seemed to have a way with the kid Twilight and Legend couldn't tap into.

Time took the Sheikah Slate and read the inventory of ingredients, his eyes getting wider and wider. The potential for a five-course gourmet meal was laid before him, after two days of living off of apples and sour green bananas.
Time eagerly pointed out a few things, and Wild headed over to the cooking pot. Legend's stomach was rumbling a little, too, and he hoped there would be enough for all of them. Wild's cooking was legend.

Half an hour later, with all the Links seated on the logs ringing the fire, their dinner was ready. Sky sat next to Time, who was snuggled up next to him-Sky didn't look at all grudging, either. Legend and Twilight sat next to each other on the log across from them, not quite snuggled but laughing together, smiles wide on their faces. Wild sat between the two benches, and handed to each of them a steaming plate of rice pilaf, topped with two crispy poultry drumsticks apiece. Legend's eyes went wider than wide at this feast, and even wider when he took the first bite.
''Wild!'' He cried, tears stinging his eyes from the immense spice of the rice. ''This is bloody hot!''
''Oh, is the little bunny too scared to try grown-up food?'' Twilight smirked, tugging Legend's pink plait of hair, causing Legend to spit a wad of half-chewed rice into the fire.
''Why do you have to keep calling me that? I don't even know why you do!''
''I dunno, Legend, but maybe it came from, oh, I don't know, that story about the Moon Pearl-''
Legend glowered. ''I'm not offended by the spice. I was worried for Time-he's just a kid, this might be too spicy for him.''
Time was a living denial of this statement. He had already eaten half of a drumstick.
''Is this cucco?'' he asked Wild. ''The only meat I've had like this is cucco, and I love cucco!''
Sky stared at the other Links. ''What's a cucco?''
Wild and Legend winced in tandem. Granted, on Legend's part it could have been the mouthful of poultry he was chewing, but Wild seemed to not mind the spice at all. Well, then again, he was the one who made it.
''A cucco is a poultry bird,'' Wild started slowly, ''with a..let's just say...let me just call it a temper.'' He rubbed his shoulder, as if reminiscing pains from the past.
Twilight had already devoured his drumsticks and tossed the bones into the fire. Sky could have sworn he heard Legend mutter ''wolf boy'' under his breath.

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