🍼🌙~𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐵𝑒𝑑𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑅𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑒~🌙🍼

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Little: Reader ( Y/N )
Caregiver(s): Namjoon and Jin

You had just got done eating dinner and Namjoon was cleaning up your face while Jin was doing dishes. " Hey baby, you need to take a bath tonight, so let's go get ready okay? " Joon smiled, picking you up from your seat. " Otays Daddy!! Can I has da bath toys too? " you questioned.

You loved your little pink rubber ducky and your boat. Whenever you took a bath, you and your ducky would always go on adventures! You would sail across the deep blue sea and pretend to find mysterious creatures! Bath time was your favorite thing, so it was easy for
Namjoon to get you a bath.

You were never one to put up a fight or be difficult. " Of course you can babygirl. " He kissed your cheek as you entered the bathroom. He helped you undress and he took off his shirt so he wouldn't get it wet if you slashed water around. He put you in the tub and your adventure began.

He scrubbed your hair and washed your body as your pretended that the bubbles were from a deep sea monster that was going to try and take ducky!

You babbled, making little noises to help show what was going on. You raced your boat around in the water, acting as ducky trying to sail away from the monster. At the end of your bath, you and ducky were able to get to shore safely.

" Dada lookie!! Ducky is safe! " your giggled, patting around happily. " Hooray for Sea Princess Y/N~! Now it's time to get you back to shore. " He smiled, adding to your little story. He picked you up out of the bath, dried you off, and brush all the knots out of your hair. Now you were squeaky clean and ready for the rest of the night.

Namjoon picked you up and took you down stairs where Jin was standing at the end of the steps with your blanket, RJ plush, and bottle filled with warm strawberry milk. There was also a Disney movie playing on the TV for you.

" Come on sweetheart, let's go watch a movie and get you to sleep! How does that sound? " Jin gave you a warm smile. " Otays Moma! " You took the RJ plush from Jin's arms and proceeded to hug it while you were Laid down on the couch, cuddled up on RM's chest.

Jin handed the blanket and bottle over to your side of the couch, laying the blanket over you. Namjoon helped you hold your bottle so you could drink it and lay down at the same time.

Jin saw your eyelids start to droop. " Are you getting sleepy honey? " He smiled, reaching over and petting your hair. " Mhms.. " You let out a little yawn, cuddling into Joon's chest. " Aw, Princess you wanna go to bed and sleep with your daddy and Moma? " Joon kisses your forehead as you nodded slowly.

Jin turned off the TV and set your bottle on the table as Joon picked you up. You nuzzled your face into Namjoon's neck and left little kisses. " Time for princess to head off to the dream palace. " He smiled, Jin following you two to their bedroom.

Namjoon laid you in the middle of the bed so both could lay on either side of you. Joon got out your pink paci and put it in your mouth as Jin pulled up the blankets around all 3 of you.

" Goodnight Sweetheart. " Jin smiled, placing a kiss the back of your neck. You cuddled into Joon more, facing him. He rubbed your back and kissed your forehead, helping put you in a deep sleep.

" Goodnight My Little Princess. Sweet Dreams~. "


Word count: 659 words

( Sorry if this one wasn't as good! I wrote this one at night and I was tired so this is not my best! I hope you guys still like it~! - Auty )

✨🍭~ 𝑆𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝐿𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑇𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠 ~ 🍭✨Where stories live. Discover now