Inspector Gabriel ((requested)(

114 2 9


"I'm Gabriel Alt."


"Lost count too many cases "

(Between the ball park of 12,450-67,666)


"I'm a demon with a cat."



"I'm male."


"I don't know anymore, but my last lover was a girl."



"I'm the bottom is there something wrong?"

"I'm the bottom is there something wrong?"

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"8,4 foot and inches I think."

(He is 8,4 and the cat is about 14 inches.)


"I love work."

(Was a prodigy, solving cases like 12,765 cases, can hold his liquor.)


"Some say I believe in conspiracies."

(Workaholic, close range, weak health.)



(That the archdemons are corrupt.)


"My favorite liquor?"

(Gins, and old vodka old for him.)


"Read the report."

(He was a prodigy at age 140 human years, at netherworld's office of infernal investigations. He now his working this non-soild case. After a while they started calling him a veteran around the office. Currently he is very worried about his newest case, he has been sleeping less than normal.)


He was summoned by you to fight and for some reason he can't go back to netherworld. So for the past year he has been solving small cases for you and the other cats.... You do?


He is currently off work and goes to the grocery store, but somehow he struck up a conversation with you. He wasn't taking about work and he wasn't wearing his inspector clothing. So you didn't notice he was a hardened veteran or drink...... You do?


Dm me and we can work on it together.


Put it into the comments and I might add it or accepted.

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