B.C. B.C. ((Requested.))

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"My name?"

(Black cyclone)


"Around 60 centuries old."

((6,000 years around about))


"Well I'm black right?"

(Black cyclone.)


"Well I'm actually a they."

(No privates sorry??)


"I'm asexual thanks for asking."



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"That's about two feet."

(8 f.t. in diameter)


"I hit really fast just watch me."

(Dps, fuckin hell's fury fast)


"I'm not arrogant you arrogant prick."


"The bombs we scary."

(Cat, anti-black, anti-floating)


"You know, you've asked me too many questions, you don't deserve it!"

(He was a normal cyclone just making holes and cuts everywhere. But one day he entered the shadows and came back black. No one liked him because he was black someone like the metal one someone like the normal but no one like the black one. So he is defensive about himself as he has been hurt by comrades in arms before.)


You have beaten the infamous black cyclone, but it's just lying there on the ground. As most over enemy troops disappear he stayed. What do you do now that one of your enemies hasn't left?

Make it up and DM me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2020 ⏰

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