Mac and Cheese- JefferMads

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Thomas's POV-
It was 3:00 in the morning. And I couldn't sleep. And I was hungry. I groaned, and rolled over, trying to go back to sleep. It didn't work. I got out of bed, and pulled on a plain gray t-shirt. Walking into the kitchen, I looked in all the cupboards before pulling out a box of macaroni and cheese. Yesterday had been tiring, but I didn't know why I couldn't sleep.
I had had a meeting at work with my boss, George Washington, and the CFO, Hamilton. Hamilton and I had argued, (what else is new) and than we were assigned a ton of work to try and do in a week. I finished making the mac and cheese, and put some into a bowl. I sat at the table.
Ah, the sweetness of silence and mac and cheese. I was about to take a bite when I heard,
    "What are you doing up at, what time is it, 3:30 in the morning making mac and cheese?!" My husband of 2 years, James Madison demanded, tying his bathrobe over his pajamas. I shrugged.
    "Couldn't sleep." His face softened.
     "Why didn't you tell me?"
      "Didn't want to worry you. Mac and cheese?" I asked, holding out a bowl. He accepted.
     "Was work stressful?"
        "Kinda. Hamilton was being a jerk again."
     "Why don't you try reasoning with him?"
    "He hates me, I hate him. Simple. Easy. Awesome."
     "Did you just quote XFINITY at me?"
   "Yes, yes I did." James sighed.
      "What am I gonna do with you?" He muttered.
    "Dunno. How was work?" I asked. James shrugged, taking a bite of mac and cheese.
He worked as a writer for a local newspaper.
  "Fine. I'm working on a pretty big piece though, so I'll be typing a lot." I nodded, not really listening as he continued to talk about the piece.
    Make up with Hamilton? I couldn't do that! That would be, be, I don't know but I'd hate it. A lot. He's like a little goblin, lurking in the corners always with his laptop like Gollum and his ring. I shudder just thinking about it!
   "Thomas? Thomas!" James cried, snapping his fingers in front of my face. I blinked.
   "Sorry. I was thinking about Hamilton." James groaned.
   "Thomas, this is why you have to make up with him! You two hate each other so much, you think about each other all the time!" He complained. I didn't blame him. I woulda've been upset as well.
  "Ok, ok. Tomorrow I won't argue with him." I suggested. James shook his head.
   "No. Tommorow offer him some of your mac and cheese." I gasped.
  "But its my mac and cheese!"
    "You need to make up with him."
       "Yes! Or I'm canceling our date night on Friday."
      "You wouldn't dare."
     "Oh, I will."
      "Fine. I'll give him some."
       "Great. Now I'm going back to sleep." He said with a yawn.
     "Love you." I said, giving him a hug and a kiss. He waved, and went back to bed. I sighed. What did I do to deserve this man?

The next day.......
  "Hey, Hamilton." I said, walking over to his office. He looked up and sighed.
   "What Jefferson?"
     "I just brought you some mac and cheese." I said, holding out the Tupperware.
   "Thanks. That was nice of you." He said, taking it with a small smile.
    "So, whatcha doing?" I asked, sitting on an extra chair.
     "Just organizing."
       "Cool. Favorite color?"
        "I like Magenta."
         "Because it's the color of an evening rose. And it has pizazz." He nodded, closing his laptop.
    "Ok, cool."
       "Did the great Alexander Hamilton just close his laptop?" I gasped, feigning shock. 
    "I'm allowed to stop working you know."
      "I didn't think it was in your capabilities."
     "How about you stop insulting me and continue having a civilized conversation?" I smiled.
    "Ok. Do you like Ironman or Tony Stark better?"
We had ended up talking our entire lunch break. I had to admit, Hamilton could be pretty funny. And he is an incredibly fast talker.
I suppose making up with him wouldn't be terrible. Wow, where did that come from? Must be the mac and cheese talking. Its powerful stuff.


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