Chapter Eleven - Funky

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The plane ride to DC went quickly. No one had prostested when I explained the situation. Trask was demonstrating new technology which would be the pefrect opportunity for Raven and Eriks assassination.
I relaxed in the leather seats, sipping a juice box. Ironically, it made me feel way better than vodka ever did.
"We'll all need you professor." Logan said to Charles, a wistful expression on his face.
"I'll do my best." Charles replied wearily. I clapped slowly and their heads turned to face me.
"You took the juice boxes?" Logan laughed. I slurped loudly through the straw and levitated the empty box to the garbage bin.
"Yup." I said, taking another "You're good at giving pep talks, wish you could meet Steve."
"Who's Steve?"
"It doesn't matter and probably shouldn't tell you." I teased "might cause an apocalypse or something."
"Is there anyone you can tell us about?" Charles asked, genuine interest in his eyes. I swallowed hard.
"I had a boyfriend."
"Sure he was something else." Logan quipped. I flung the empty juice box at him and he caught it mid air on his claws.
"I mean to be with you......." He considered his words, but remained light hearted " You're funky that's all."
I suppose I was funky as I sat in my tattered goth dressed smeared makeup, sipping juice boxes.
"His name was Vision but I called Vis. He was an Android with a magic space rock in his forehead, could shoot laser from it."
"Well that's certainly funky."
"Amen to that."

A staggering crowd had gathered on the White House lawn. Over 100 people sat in fold out white chairs waiting patiently for the president's speech. Chatter and greetings filled the air as we wove our way through the crowd. The men were inconspicuous but I stuck out, although not in a threatening way. I caught a few people staring at me, the way you would a wild animal. Wondering if it bites. We approached some metal detectors. Charles and Hank went first, Charles in his wheel chair.
Logan stepped through and turned back to me. I began the long process of removing my chunky bracelets, rings, and spiked choker. The two security guards shared an uncomfortable glance.
"This your daughter?" One asked Logan. I snickered as I shoved the tray of accessories down the conveyor belt.
"Yeah this is my dear old dad!" I chirped, wrapping an arm around Logan's waist "I inherited his angry eyes!"
I stared at the guard, allowing my eyes to glow red just enough to make him doubt it later.
"She doesn't get out of the house much." Logan grunted, grabbing my wrist and yanking me toward Charles.
Barely before they were out of reach I took Peter's headphones from the bin.

Patriotic music played in the air. At the front of the green a red white and blue stage had been prepared. American flags adorned every flag pole, wall, and window. The buzzing atmosphere couldn't help but make me excited with nervous energy. Charles sat up front with the wounded veterans in chairs, giving the rest of us front row access as well. Charles mind-scanned the crowd.
"He has to be here." He frowned.
"I've got nothing." I added shaking my head.
"The president of the United States!" A man announced. Everyone erupted into applause and shouts of joy as he took the stage. The national anthem played in the background. I had to admit I didn't know the words.
"My fellow Americans," He began the mic echoing his voice through the crowd, " Today we face the greatest threat in our history. Mutants."
A murmur of agreement washed over the crowd.
"We had prepared for this threat." Charles continued his search, his fore fingers to his temple.
"In the immortal words of Robert Oppenheimer, ' behold the world will never be the same again'"
The president turned gesturing widely, turning, as the curtain flag behind him dropped away, revealing serval large sentinels.
Those who were sitting now stood saluting the mechanical monsters. I turned away in disgust. The robots toward above us mocking our struggle. It took every ounce of self control now to crush them on the spot. I tucked my glowing hands into the pockets of my dress.
Charles face contorted in an familiar way.
" Secret service men! Left of the stage!" He exclaimed, pointing out Raven in disguise.
Without warning the sentinels began to lift from the stage and into the air. Their massive guns turning with metallic clicks.
"Something is wrong." I whispered.
Before Charles could answer the sentinels fired onto the police barricades. The crowd ran tripping over the chairs and each other, desperately trying escape the bullets. I rose into the air and released the energy from my fingers. The red force field covered the crowd. A few people stopped and gaped at it, but they were pushed forward by the unstoppable human wave rushing to exits. Others ran across the open green. I widen the force field to protect the escapees as well, but I could only cover so much ground.
In the chaos one thing was for sure; The sentinels didn't malfunction.

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