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Author's Note: Thought or Emphasis.

I don't own Mortal Kombat. If I did, MK11's story mode would definitely have been different.

Mortal Kombat: Konciliation

A One-Shot

Hanzo Hazashi stepped through the hall of the Lin Kuei temple. His senses were alert, even if he was here by invitation.

A letter gave him an exact path to this hidden place, and to the room where he would wait; it even accounted for where he was at the very moment of receipt. Any normal man would be disturbed, but Hanzo was not normal.

Nor was the one who summoned him, of course. That cryomancer, that Lin Kuei scum, was of the rare few who could match him in strength.

He made a mental note to give such praise before sending the Lin Kuei to hell.

"Master Hanzo."

That voice, as cold as he remembered.


Like Hanzo, she had foregone the hood and mask for the occasion, though her blue assassin garb was unmistakable. She had let her dark hair grow since their last conflict, pulled into a longer ponytail than his own. Any other man might have found her beautiful, even with the scar crossing over her right eye.

Hanzo, however, had to resist the urge to strike her down where she stood. "Speak."

She gestured to the table prepared before them. One pot, two cups.


"Hmph." He continued standing, instead watching her fall effortlessly into seiza and pouring herself a cup first. The untrained eye would see her in a vulnerable position, but he was no fool, and he kept up his guard.

"I have always preferred mine..." With a single exhale over her cup, the steam immediately ceased. "...a bit chilled."


"Is that all you have to say?" An eyebrow rose. "Although, I suppose you have always preferred your fists to speak for you."

"Just tell me why I am here."

"Very well." She nodded. "You reestablish the Shirai Ryu, as I reform the Lin Kuei." She began to pour another cup. "We both seek to shed our clans' dark pasts. We both seek to protect Earthrealm."


"And this common goal gives us a chance..." She lifted a box onto the table. "...to forge an alliance."

He huffed in insult, keeping a wary eye on the new object. "I did not know the Lin Kuei were trained in comedy."

"This is no joke, Hanzo Hasashi. I wish to offer you a gift." She offered him: "The truth."

"That your clan killed my family? That your brother's actions doomed my soul?" He raised his left hand. "That even after his fall, I remain like this?"

A flame erupted from his hand; a light reflected in eyes whose glare could scorch a spirit. Hanzo carried in his palm the fires of hell, stoked from a vengeful core.

"I know the Lin Kuei's honor is stained." Sub-Zero was not shaken by such a sight, not after all the years of blood spilled between them. "After being freed from Quan Chi's control, I hoped I could find my clan and bring them to honor. But Sektor had stripped them of their bodies and souls, made them mere slaves to his cyberized mind. I had to kill every-"

"I care not for clan politics." A familiar voice warned her, "Now tell me what you know."

Again, she was unmoved. "Shut your mouth, Scorpion, and I will."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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