Date pt 1

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The next morning I woke up to banging outside, like glass breaking. I carfully got out of bed not wanting to wake kyle up and threw on a sweater and jogging pants, I put my converse on and went outside.

"CARTMAN WHAT THE FUCK?!!!!!" I saw him with a baseball bat smashing up my fucking car. "DUDE STOP IT THATS MY CAR!!!!" He looked at me.

"You ruined our relationship Stan, youve taken everything I loved away from me......"

"Eric what are you doing?" I looked behind me seeing a sleepy kyle. "I'm trying to sleep, shouldn't you be at work?"

"Kyle, come home please, I need you......I lov" kyle cut him off.

"If you loved me you would have trusted me, even if I do love stan, you should have remembered, I was engaged to you, I loved you Eric. I thought you loved me too. I thought you changed from school but you didn't, your just like Wendy." Then he turned and faced me. "Can we go back to cuddling now stan, that was the best sleep I've had in years." I nodded at the boy as he went back into the building.

"Cartman if you don't leave I will call the cops, I'll buy bodyguards too and install cameras outside. You have been warned." With that I turned around and walked back into the building. I herd Kyle talking to someone on the phone.

"Yes ok great thanks..." Kyle hung up and looked at me. "So I can get your car fixed tomorrow Stan." I looked at him shocked.

"How did you manage that?" He smiled.

"Kenny dumbass, I told you he's a mechanic." I smiled blushing at the name.

"Hey I'm not a dumbass." Kyle looks at me.

"Well, Urm I can call you something else?" I smiled wide.

"I mean there's cutie, hottie, handsome, amazing....."

"Ok ok we get it....your ego is too big for your own good Stan." He chuckles and yawns, heading back to my bed. I followed him and got back into the bed wrapping my arms around the boy. I whispered In his ear.

"Can I take you on a date later ky?"

"Y-yes, is love that Stan." I smiles at him and kisses his forehead softly, holding him tightly, thinking I might actually get with the person I love the most in my life.

((Sorry for a short chapter, I'm not feeling mentally great and it's 6.30am and I'm half asleep))

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