Chapter 24: Let's Call It A Date (part 1)

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Mayu silently followed Yuki to the car. Her mind still wonders back to her conversation with Rena earlier.

"Yes. She really likes you. No, I think it's more than liking someone. She loves you and I can see her sincerity through her actions."

"No. It can't be like that." Mayu thought. "Yuki must only be pitying me. It can't be love."

Her thoughts were cut off when she arrived in front of the car and Yuki stopped to open the door for her. "Get in." Yuki said with a smile - a smile which sent butterflies to her stomach. Mayu looked away, trying to hide her blush. She get inside the car and Yuki went to the driver's seat.

"So, where are we going?" Mayu asked. "Where ever you want. You decide." She replied. "You meant to say that got me discharged at the hospital without any plans on where you want to take me?!" Mayu asked in shocked. "Yes." Yuki answered with a straight face. "You're unbelievable." Mayu said as she looked outside.

"So, where do you want to go first?" Yuki asked.

Mayu was quiet for a while, thinking about the first place that she want to go to now that she's out of the hospital. "Let's go to the beach." She finally said.

"As you wish Hime-sama." Yuki said as she turned to the nearest exit. "Stop calling me whatever you want. It gives me goosebumps!" Mayu said as she glared at Yuki who just laugh at her.

"You are cute when being teased." Yuki replied with a smile.

It took about an hour and a half drive in order for them to reach their destination. Mayu was the first one to get out of the car when they arrived. Yuki watched her as she walked towards the water.

Mayu removed her shoes and walked slowly towards the water. A smile drew on her face as she watched the waves hit her feet. She walked back as soon she saw the waves are coming towards her then she moved forward when the waves moved back. She continued doing this until she goes faster.

"She's really a kid." Yuki said with a smile as she sat by the beach watching Mayu play with water. After a while she stood up and walked towards a nearby food stall to buy some snacks for Mayu.

Mayu stopped playing. She just stood there and watched the calm waves that kisses the shore. She closed her eyes and listened to the sound of the waves; the sound of the children playing nearby; the sound of the boats passing by. "Isn't it beautiful?" Mayu opened her eyes and looked at her side. She was mesmerized by how beautiful Yuki is, especially that the rays of the sun are touching her face. "Yes, it's beautiful." Mayu replied as she stared in awe at Yuki. To her surprise, Yuki looked at her. She quickly looked away and focused her attention to the scenery.

"Here." Yuki said as she handed her a stick of dango. "Thanks." Mayu grabbed the stick of dango and ate quietly.

"Now, I understand why you want to come here." Yuki said as she took a bite on her own stick of dango. Mayu looked at her and waited for her to continue speaking.

"The scenery here is so peaceful." Yuki said. "The ocean calms your senses and it helps you clear your mind. You feel relaxed and at the same time you feel alive."

Yuki then turned to Mayu. "Let's come back here together with Rena-san and Jurina and my sister and Sasshi." "I'd love to. But I don't know if I'll be still here." Mayu thought. "I don't think I'll be seeing you after this trip." Mayu replied. "Why is that?" Yuki asked even though she knew the answer. "You have to go and continue your life with your sister. You can fulfill your dream once you receive your payment." Mayu said as she looked towards the horizon. "I'll be watching you from afar." She said in her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2021 ⏰

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