The Young Master Changed (2)

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Allan woke up in his own bed, slightly dizzy and confused, but mostly missing the familiar scents he remembered from his memories as Feng Lan.

When Allan looked around, he found himself, alone, which wasn't surprising, seeing how even the servants of the house hated him, but it felt a little lonely, especially after regaining memories about a wonderful adoptive father who treated him better than his own family did now. 

Allan got up out of bed, almost in a trance, trying to locate anything that resembled China. He used his wind to open the lock on the door, wandering like a sleepwalker through the halls, his eyes somewhat glazed, sniffing around every few minutes.

Allan didn't pay any attention to the current state of his body, which was exhausted, hurting, and very injured, nor did he heed the current state of dress he was in, naked except for the bandages covering every inch of his body except his eyes, nose, and mouth.

In all honesty, he should not have been walking around with his injuries, but the burns didn't feel as bad as they would have before, probably because he grew used to pain from his memories as Feng Lan.  He wandered around the hallways of the north wing of the manor, the wing he had completely to himself because his father had kept him as far away from the rest of the family as possible, who had rooms in either the south or east wings of the manor.

Allan wandered until his limbs, which belonged to a five-year-old boy, grew tired. He had an urge to continue, but at the same time, he longed to lay down and rest. After a moment of internal debate, he moved to the edge of the hallway, so he wouldn't be in the way of maids or butlers walking, curled up into a ball, and closed his eyes, falling asleep almost as soon as his head touched the cool tile.

A sharp scream woke Allan from his dreamless rest, causing him to spring awake, reaching for a sword that wasn't there. His eyes were blurry from sleep, but he quickly assessed the situation.

The scream had come from the maid in front of him, who was watching him in horror, meaning there wasn't an external threat. The young woman had dropped the basket of laundry she was carrying in shock, but nothing seemed out of place.

"Y-Y-Young Master Allan, are y-you okay?" the maid gushed, rushing over to check on her youngest master. She felt his forehead, which was quite hot due to the increase of internal heat after gaining so many severe burns, picking him up abruptly before hurrying back to his room.

Allan, on the other hand, was severely confused by the situation. Hadn't he been sleeping peacefully only a few moments before? Why was this maid acting like he was dying?

However, Allan's exhausted body protested against struggling or thinking further than this, causing him to start to nod off against the maid's shoulder, a small sniff near her neck causing the scent of vanilla and cinnamon to wash over him, lulling him into a dazed sleep.

Caleb de Clarivette

It's been a week since Allan had first been found sleeping in the gardens, and Caleb had to admit his reports about his younger brother have only been getting stranger.

Six days ago, one of the maids in the north wing had rushed over to report that Allan had fallen asleep on the cold tiles of the hallway. At first, the maid reported she thought the little boy had been injured or collapsed, but it really did turn out that Allan had just fallen asleep on the floor.

Five days ago, Allan once again disappeared from his room, despite his caretaker's check that the door had been locked from the outside. He was found wandering around the gardens again, simply being observed as he walked through the rose garden his mother tended to frequent, though observation quickly turned into capture and return once the young boy fell asleep next to the marble fountain in the center.

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