New place

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Life is my worst enemy, when things are going great life decides to throw a rock in my way. I left everything I had behind only took a few stuff, mom said it would be a great way for a great beginning. I loved my life I had in Florida it meant a lot to me, all my friends I miss them steady I missed Josh, Conner, Hailey and Isabella. They were my best friends for life I guess they are not anymore, we all made a promise to stick together but I broke it. We always went to Starbucks in the morning before collage ( I'm a collage student) how would they react in the morning to see me gone, Even Josh I knew him since like forever, he was the person I could trust no matter what and he was always there,, I could call him at 2:00 A. M and he would answer no matter what. My name is Tessa Keller I'm no special girl I am 21 (me and my friends started collage late), I'm 5'6 I'm kinda short, I have a mix of red and brown in my hair, I have hazy eyes, I have pale skin that's a little ivory, I only have freckles on my arms I wish I had them on my face but you can't always get what you want. I wish I could change everything about me from my head to toe. I sighed I was in a new 2015 Prius that my mom rented it smelled like the new car scent. Things were different in California, in California it was a little colder than Florida but here there was really no wind, in Florida we get a lot of wind sometimes. The air pressure felt different, everything felt different and I didn't like it one bit. I aready felt unwanted and being here with no friends , unfamiliar surroundings made me even feel even more worse, I wanted to go back home .your wondering since I'm over 18 that I could of stayed in Florida and taken care of myself well I have no money, I'm almost done with collage I'm want to get a degree in songwriting, music speaks to me it my escape from this horrible world and from my childhood. I had so much to say . I kept a black journal to keep my songs I never showed it to anyone not even Josh, it has all of my personal thoughts etc. I looked at the land it look cold like the weather was. I looked at my mom, oh what me and her had been through and how strong she always was. I closed my eyes and think about my best friends. I thought," maybe when I wake up this I'd all a dream "and I drifted to sleep. ~


Thanks for reading, I'm just starting out. In about 2 or 3 chapters the boys should be coming in just letting you all on know. Like it and leave any questions, comments or Ideas I would love to hear from you guys! Sorry if there are tepos I'm writing this from my phone and I'm tired lol goodnight lovelies.!

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