a little adventure

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M and Kara would be walking through the snowy mountains as they would see what they are looking for the temple they would trot through the snow and into the temple  they would walk in and get a bunch of spears pointed at them "wait" M would say as he pulled out his crystal and Kara would follow they would put down down their spears and bow down to the teens

they would look up as someone would stomp over to the entrance they were in their thirties they were around six foot and had a double edged blade and walk up to them "who are you children here at my dojo is this some type of cleaning internship" he would say laughing at their face the disciples would look at him in awe "master these are the great incarnate" one would say "really then the spirits made you weak but what are you here for"he would say "THE VIAL" M would say as he would the man looked at him "you think we got the vial it's in your past life grave" the man would say "well tell us the location and let us be on our way" Kara would say "only if it was that easy each of the three main dojo has a key  i only have one of the three" he would say pointing at kara head  "well just give it to us" M would say "you think i would trust kids with a key that is an artifact of our dojo" the man would say   M woul look at kara as his new swords would be on his wrist  as wrist bands "just give it to us" M would say "you'd have to fight me" the man would say "fine you have a battle field here right" M would say

twenty minutes later

kara would be watching the man and M clashing blades  "give up" M would say as he would use air to dash faster toward the man the man would make a force field with M sword slicing straight through the force field with the man dodging the man would pull up a rock pillar beneath M  M would do a back flip dodging the attack another one with a spike would pop out underneath M his eyes would glow purple and he would teleport  behind him  and slice him in his back the man would cough up brown liquid "why you" the man would say as he would try to launch stone at him with it not working at all "did i lose" he would say as he would get up and bow down as a person with a mask would walk through the door to the battleground holding one of the disciples head "where is the current stone holders" they would say

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