Chapter 321-325

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Chapter 321: The Biggest Fox

"In tribute to Heaven and to accept the Mandate of Heaven, the Emperor's decree states: Luo Chu of the general's residence has been practicing medicine and has helped the commoners in the name of Divine Physician Bai. She shall be rewarded with a promotion to an imperial physician! She is to accompany the army to conquer the Desolate Region. The date of departure shall be fixed at a later date. End of the decree!"

After hearing the orders, Bai Luochu was startled and she only received the decree after several calls by the eunuch.

"This old servant shall return to make my report. Young Lady Luo Chu better prepare sufficient luggage for the trip ahead. After all, the Desolate Region isn't as rich as our Cloud Water Nation. If you forget to bring anything, no one will be able to help you." The eunuch responsible for delivering the decree left the confused Bai Luochu standing at the entrance of the general's residence.

After Bai Luochu entered the courtyard, she put down the imperial decree and prepared to cultivate. Cai Ling was rather curious and picked up the imperial decree.

"Shall be promoted to become an imperial physician... Mistress, this is a great thing! Why didn't you say anything about it?!" It was obvious that Cai Ling had only read of the first half of the imperial decree before getting excited.

Bai Luochu saw how that Cai Ling was overreacting and she shook her head helplessly. "Why don't you continue reading before making your verdict?"

Feeling that something wasn't right, Cai Ling continued reading the imperial decree. When she saw the words 'conquer the Desolate Region', her eyes widened in shock, "Desolate Region? His Majesty wants a lady like you to ride into battle with His First Highness? Is there something wrong with His Majesty's head? He is blatantly scheming against Mistress! Mistress, can you not go? The Desolate Region doesn't sound like a friendly place."

Of course Bai Luochu didn't wish to head over to the Desolate Region. However, if she failed to follow the order, she would be defying the imperial decree. If she wanted to worm her way out of it, she had to produce a legitimate reason to convince the old emperor to allow her to stay. She would also need to bring out sufficient benefits to tempt him.

I can't deal with this decree as I please. It has just been issued and if I find a reason to refuse it, I will be disrespecting the old emperor. If he makes a big deal out of it, things will get troublesome... I guess I'll think of something tomorrow.

Throwing the matter to the back of her mind, Bai Luochu went back to cultivating and left behind a worried Cai Ling.


"Your Majesty, if you pull her into the expedition, aren't you afraid Divine Physician Bai will refuse the decree?" De Quan was puzzled. After all, this was a serious matter and he didn't know what the old emperor was thinking. Why would he throw a young lady to the Desolate Region?

A stick of incense was still burning in the censer and the smoke formed a veil over the old emperor's face. De Quan couldn't see his expression, but it was clear that the old emperor had a plan. "Do you think that lass from the general's residence has nothing up her sleeves? She is an incredible individual. If she agrees to take part in the expedition, I will be able to test her limits. If she doesn't agree to go, she will definitely come over to offer me some benefits in exchange. No matter what, I won't be on the losing end, right?"

De Quan responded quickly by praising the old emperor, "Your Majesty is wise."

In De Quan's heart, he cursed, The old emperor is getting better and better at scheming. If I can't keep up, I'll probably turn into a corpse soon.

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