Chapter 11 - The second path

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The suns bright rays shining on my eyes had woken me up. As I began to slowly get up and rub the sleep out of my eyes, I noticed Wystan was gone. I quickly got up and searched the area for a sign where he went. My map didn't show any creatures nearby. I then noticed some flattened grass in the direction of the second path. As I was about to follow the tracks Wystan came through some bushes carrying fruit.

Wystan: Master were you going to the second fruit without me?

Devan: (I would never do that, I was going to search for you since you weren't here when I woke up.)

Wystan: Since I saw you didn't eat yesterday, I went out in search of food for you master. Speaking of which I found some non-poisonous fruit.

He then presented five different fruit. One was orange and shaped like a pear, another was spiny and looked like a pineapple, two had green dots all over it and shaped like a squash. The final one had holes all over and was close to looking like a melon.

I hadn't eaten anything yesterday so I finished the fruit rather quickly. But when I was about to eat the one with holes Wystan quickly snatched it away from me. He began to closely inspect it before pulling it apart revealing hundreds of green striped maggots. The strange thing was I couldn't smell the maggots within the fruit. Wystan proceeded to crush the fruit in his hand killing all the maggots except one that fell.

Wystan: I'm sorry master I almost allowed you to eat parasites.

Devan: (Its alright, but what would have happened if I had eaten one?)

Wystan: The singular colored maggots would quickly eat away at your entire body. But these green striped maggots.

He proceeded to lift the one that survived between his thumb and index finger.

Wystan: They will try to make their way to your stomach and intestines. Once there they will eat away at your organs slowly, not enough to kill you just enough to fill them. If your weakening they will stop feeding and even give you nutrients. But once they are numerous they will begin eating their way out of you.

He finished his explanation by crushing the maggot between his fingers. So there are more deadlier diseases in this world.

Devan: (Is there any way to get them out of your body?)

Wystan: I don't believe anybody has found an easy way. But you could see a skilled magic user to extract the maggots.

Devan: (How are you so knowledgeable?)

Wystan: Rufus taught me about the creatures within the forest all night.

Devan: (Who's Rufus?)

Wystan: He's the Land Guardian's golem. Very kind golem as well, he taught me how to launch spikes from my body. Any way master I believe we have another fruit to get.

Devan: (Alright let's go.)

I got on Wystan's back and we went down the second path. I kept a eye on my map while Wystan kept following the path while occasionally looking around. It was eerily quiet no noises no sounds, nothing. There weren't even any creatures nearby.

About a few minutes in the path ended and we came across broken sticks and bushes leading into the trees. The trees were marked with long claws and slightly pushed aside. We began to follow the trail which is probably a bad idea. If this creature was able to push aside a lot of giant trees and make deep scratches,we may not be able to handle it. Let's hope we can at least escape if things go south.

S.Y.S.T.E.M: User I suggest turning around immediately.

Devan: What why?

S.Y.S.T.E.M: Those trees were marked to signify the area you're currently in is the creature's territory.

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