Chapter 53 - Katherine

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A/N: If you expect anything other than brutality and violence then don't read this chapter 😎

Lia is brutal.

She's much more vicious and cruel than I thought she'd be. How does she sleep at night after doing something like this?! I would never be able to torture someone so... brutally.

"Scared?" Lia taunts, glaring at Bernard with an evil smirk.

My step-father only gapes at her in fear, trembling in his restraints as he hangs from the ceiling. For some reason, it brings me satisfaction to see him so afraid. For years, it was me who was scared of him, but now he's the one shaking like a leaf before a girl much smaller than him. It's quite amusing to see him lose his cockiness and that lewd smirk he's always had on his face.

After seeing what Lia did to Gloria – she doesn't deserve to be called my mother – I no longer feel nervous about seeing Bernard die. I know I can take it.

"Can you put him on the table?" Lia turns to Blake and Blood as they unchain Gloria and lay her dead body on the floor.

"Sure." Blood nods.

I see Shovel walk in the cell then drag Gloria's body out, leaving Blake and Blood to do Lia's bidding. I don't even care what's going to happen to the corpse, it's more important to me that I'm finally out of Gloria's clutches.

And now it's time to deal with my other abuser.

I can't wait to see what's done to him, as weird as it sounds. Am I going crazy?

Lia waits patiently as Blake and Blood place struggling Bernard on the two small tables that are once more joined together. They tie his limbs to the legs of the tables, spreading him out like a starfish. Thankfully, he's not naked like Gloria. I don't think I would want to see his junk.

"Anything else you want us to do, baby?" Blake asks his girl, pulling her into his arms, not even minding the blood on her.

"I will need you later, babe, you know for what." Lia smiles at him, getting a short nod in response. Blake gives her a quick kiss then leaves the cell and stands beside me and Killy, leaning against the wall with his arms folded over his chest.

"What is she talking about?" I ask him curiously, intrigued by the 'you know for what' part.

"My girl has a... special approach to assholes like Bernard. I mean guys that try to take advantage of women or force themselves on them. She believes that all those scumbags deserve is getting their dicks cut off. But I sure as hell am not letting her touch this fucker's junk." I barely stop myself from laughing at this. He's so jealous he won't even let his girl touch another man, even if it's to hurt him! That's so fucking cute!

I turn to Killy with an imploring look. "Would you let me do something like that if I wanted?" I ask him quietly.

Killian's response is immediate and non-negotiable. "No."


"Because you're mine and because I would never let you get your hands dirty." He says with no hesitation and I almost melt. That was so sweet.

"Oh, okay." I shrug it off, already gotten used to how protective my Killy is then turn back to the cell.

Lia is currently standing by the tool table, deciding what to use. After a moment of consideration, she takes... scissors.

There are still some tools on the table Bernard is lying on, which she left untouched after not using them on Gloria. I wonder what she's up to.

I watch intrigued as Lia cuts Bernard's jeans and pulls them off, leaving him in just his dirty boxers, then puts the scissors and some strange clamp-like thing back to the tool table. She grabs some thin chain and cuts it into short parts. Then she plugs in a drill and takes it to Bernard, along with a wrench and some long hooks with nuts on their ends. I've got no idea what they're called.

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