Cuddles and Dreams

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Draco PoV

When I woke up I was certain of 4 things:

My nose was sore, my black eye was worse, Harry was cuddling me, and we were both shirtless. 

Wait did we-? I looked under the blankets. Oh thank merlin we both still had our pants on. I snuggled into him shocked my how warm he was and grinned. I could get used to this. Eventually, though, we had to get up. I have no idea what time it was though, so I looked out the window. 

The sun wasn't out yet, so I'm guessing we had a few hours. Harry murmured in his sleep. He doesn't talk in his sleep does he?

"Draco." I heard him whisper. Awwww he's dreaming about me. "Draco," He buried his face into my back and held onto me. I smiled but then he rolled away. 

I moved myself so I wasn't on my side anymore and stared at the ceiling, making patterns out of what wasn't really there like I used to do when I was a child. 

Harry murmured something and rolled on top of me. Typical. I rolled my eyes. Harry groaned finally waking up. "Ugh what am I lay- oh it's you" He grinned. "You know you could have just woken me up right?" He said, laying his head on my bare chest. 

"Why would I have done that? You were obviously having very pleasant dreams." "How would you know?" "You talk in your sleep you know that?" 

"Oh no. What was I saying." "My name. I wouldn't mind you saying it again." He chuckled. "I could, but you'd be saying it first." 

"I don't know what to say to that." "Of course you don't" 

He moved himself so that he was directly over me and our noses were almost touching. 

"You know," I whispered, "It's really hard not to kiss you right now." "Well then do it."

We kissed. It was brief, but then Blaise barged into the room. 

"Hey Draco do you have any- oh ok you guys are- ok uhm should I leave or- uhm." 

I laughed. "Calm down Blaise. Get off me Harry." I got out of the bed. "What do you need?" 

"Do you have..." He muttered so quietly I couldn't hear. "What was that?" He whispered it in my ear as both our faces turned red. I awkwardly laughed. "Yea its in there." I waved to a dresser against the wall. "You better not be cheating on Ron mate." 

Right on time Ron came into the room. "Shit." I heard someone mutter. Probably Blaise. "Is Blaise in here?" "Yea." I said. "He's right there." 

"You two have fun!" Harry said, scaring Ron. "Bloody hell Harry you scared me!" "Yeah yeah. I know I did. Stay safe you two." Ron gave me a 'what's wrong with him face' and I shrugged. 

We talked for a few minutes and then they left. 

"So, shall we get back to what was happening before?" "I don't know." I said, pulling him off the bed and into a dramatic dip. He grinned as I pulled him back up. "We shall." He said.

Lets just say our lips were bruised and puffy when we went to class that morning.

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