"Hook, line and sinker"

248 39 14

Ashton p.o.v

Step 5: Label it

Well if you made it this far I'm sure you have put some pieces of the puzzle together but let me put some things into context. Yes I did use my Adonis like looks to bed Ashley but that's not where it's going to stop, remember when I said she hasn't had her first love? -

Yep you guessed it! I'm going to get her to fall in love with me then break her heart in the cruelest ways possible, maybe if I'm lucky she'll choke when she finds out I was little Dove this whole time.

Oh what a sick and twisted game this is, if you're thinking I'm going to fall in love with her you're out of your mind, you were warned this isn't a romance story.

I'm a guy, there's a pretty girl on my arm, I'm getting laid (yeah after wanting to gag the first time things got better) and I'm getting revenge what more could I ask for?

I struck while the metaphorical iron was hot and immediately asked Ashley to be my girlfriend, I was a hot commodity on campus and well she couldn't resist. Taylor was always the supporting best friend even though I could tell she knew something was off, I overheard her bring me up to Ashley once but my little puppet was none the wiser.

It had been our two month anniversary and I had to do something special. I had got Ash tickets to a sold out concert (yay for money) of her favorite band which I hated, then we went for dinner.

After we arrived at her dorm door she wanted me to come inside but I had other plans for the night, I kissed her leaving enough room for desire and left.

End of p.o.v

Knock, knock

Taylor gets up to answer the door.

"What are you doing here, isn't it your 2 month anniversary?" she rolled her eyes at Ashton. He barged his way in and closed the door.

(Let's not forget Taylor was just as bad in high school as Ashley and she deserves to suffer equally even though know she has grown up a bit)

"I know you think I'm shady or whatever but come on I make your friend happy don't I?" Ashton speaks up

"Yeah you do, but why would you choose someone like her, she's just going to get bored of you and move on to the next"

"Maybe that's what I wanted all along" he answers

"What?" Taylor has a confused look on her face

"Maybe she wasn't the one that caught my eye that day maybe it was you I wanted" he steps closer to her and she steps back

"Oh yeah then why is she the one you're dating now"

"Because I know her type, been dealing with them all throughout high school. If I came up to you and we had started something, somewhere along the line she would have made a move on me its science and your'lls friendship would've been flushed. So I thought if she would get me out of her system first then you and I could build something solid"

"Seriously I didn't want to spend the night with her why do you think I'd show up to your room?"

"She's my best friend what makes you think I won't march over there right now and tell her everything?" Taylor laughs

Ashton grabs ahold of her by her waist and kisses her passionately, the two stumble backwards onto the couch and things get more heated before he stops and looks into her eyes.

"To answer you, it's because I know you feel the same things I do and this kiss just proved it"

Ashton gets up and before he leaves he gives Taylor a longing look and sincere smile

Ashton's p.o.v

Okay I definitely need mouth wash and a hot shower after my night. Surprised about what had happened- well I did say I wanted revenge on the vultures and I meant it, what better way than to destroy them and their friendship all in one go, its satisfying really thinking about how once they both hated me but now they crave for the man I am.

Step 6: Enjoy what's yours, you're the king and don't let them forget it

It's been 3 weeks since Taylor and I kissed. We would sneak off whenever we could and make out, it was thrilling and exciting to her and I was enjoying playing the field.

Ashley was none the wiser but when the three of us were together and she would be affectionate I could see how Taylor would get annoyed so I tried to keep things neutral for the sake of my plan.

Taylor had been asking when I would dump Ash, but I explained if that happened there's no way we could be together so we need to wait for her to dump me. Tay understood and thank god for that but she didn't like sharing. I had to prove my 'feelings' for her were real.

We made a plan to both get out of town for a weekend and spend some quality time together- seriously this revenge is becoming a lot of work. She was more than happy on our little trip, she felt she had one upped Ashley since we didn't do anything like this.

Oh did I mention I bed her as well? Should I take notes and compare the two of them when shit hits the fan?

End of p.o.v

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