Upside down

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I was shocked by the circumstances that I was witnessing, I thought myself "am I dreaming?" I pinched myself, but I felt the pain, no I was not dreaming, but the things I was witnessing were beyond my imagination.

Instead of becoming a day tonight, it was turning the other way round, the morning started fading and again it started to become dusky. I saw everyone rushing for there home as if it was going to be night.

I had nowhere to go, I couldn't go to my own home neither I could go to Maryam's place.

I didn't have my phone to contact anybody else, I hardly used to have any friends. I didn't even know whether I was in my world or what!

I needed to spend the night somewhere, I had my purse with me, so I decided to take a room nearby for the night; I was already too tired.

I knew some places nearby, might be the people I meet there will be different, but the place would be the same, so I decided to go there.

I took the keys from the person, I used to know the person from this hotel earlier but now I don't know this person standing right in front of me.

The only good thing was that the price of everything were halved from the ones before. I went to my room, had a shower, and went directly to the bed.

I saw from the window it felt like early morning, the sky was dark with an orange tint. The time which we use to think early first morning, here every one is behaving like it is night and time to sleep.

I was too tired and exhausted, a lot of questions popped into my mind, but I chose to close my eyes and slept for a while.

The honking of horns, vehicles, chirping of birds, chaos from the outside woke me up; for a moment I felt like my mom is scolding and waking me up and everything was a nightmare, but unfortunately, it was not.

I was indeed living in that tragic world where everything was a paradox. I saw from the window the sky was dark as night, but the people were roaming around, vehicles were driving on the road, everyone was busy as if it's morning time and people were going for their respective works.

By that time, I was sure enough to understand the fact that something was wrong with the whole circumstance. And I guessed it was related with that storm; to be sure and go back to my home, I had to find out the root cause.

But I was clueless about where to find out and whom I should ask for anything. Suddenly I realized that the manager of that hotel where I was staying was an elderly person, and he looked like a good man, may be he could help me out.

I hurriedly freshened up and went downstairs, but to my amazement, I found someone else on the desk. I didn't feel like talking to that person, although he was an elderly person too. Instead, I went to the restaurant and ordered some breakfast.

While waiting for my food, suddenly my eyes were caught on some newspapers which were placed on a desk. I took some of the recent papers and went to my room asking the waiter to get the food to my room.

I sat on the sofa and started looking at those papers with the hope of getting some clue. The paper was normal, the date mentioned was the present date, nothing was different, the news was also the same as that of what I had seen two days before when I was in my home.

Suddenly I noticed one news which was about an asteroid that was going to hit the earth after many years. The same news which I saw four days back and according to the calculation it was supposed to hit yesterday, that is the night when I was hit by a thing and got fainted.

I felt somewhere all those things were related to the asteroid, but I was not sure enough.I needed to find more.

After having breakfast, I got ready and rushed outside. It was still all dark, but people were busy as usual as if it's daytime. I looked onto the tower clock, it showed 10 o'clock, I guessed it is 10 P.M, that is why it is all dark. I saw an auto was standing on the stand. I went to the stand and took the auto. The driver asked: "where to go ma'am?"
I replied: "to the central library."

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