Part 15

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It had been just over a month since Draco left the hospital wing and he seemed more drawn away from me than ever. One minute we would be fine, cuddling and kissing like normal couples do and then the next minute he would snap at me, causing us to argue over nothing. That boy was so incredibly smart, yet he still didn't know how to deal with any of his feelings, I suppose you don't when you grow up with parents like his. I didn't love him any less because of it though. Sometimes my heart physically hurt with how much I loved him and cared for him, I felt incredibly selfish for allowing myself to be loved by Draco, I knew deep down I would never ever deserve it.

"Fancy a study session in the library tonight or are you meeting him again?" Neville asked, his jaw clenching as he couldn't even bring himself to say Draco's name.

I sighed, looking at him. I understood, I really did. They didn't see the side of him that I did, they just saw him as the boy who bullied them for years and now works for the Dark Lord but, that didn't stop it hurting any less when my own friends refused to acknowledge the existence of my boyfriend. "It won't kill you to say his name Neville, but yeah sorry I'm seeing him tonight, how about tomorrow?" I replied.

"Sure thing," he said, his mouth twitching as he held back his anger. I didn't have official plans to see Draco tonight but our usual routine for the last month involved me eating dinner in the Great Hall with my friends and then spending the rest of the night with him. It was the only way I could see him as he never leaves his dorm room anymore. I hurried after him into the great hall trying to keep up with his long legs, sitting myself down opposite him at our normal spot with the rest of our friends.

I devoured my food as quickly as possible, cringing at the awkward silences that now plagued the table. I think Lola was the only person who still trusted me, even then I wasn't sure. I honestly couldn't blame them. I got up and left as soon as I had finished my plate and headed straight for Draco's room.

I was immediately pulled into a tight hug as I entered his room and I wrapped my arms around his waist to embrace him back. He pulled away, lifting my chin up with his fingers as he kissed me softly before walking off to his dresser. He was fresh out of the shower, towel wrapped around his waist, his damp hair falling into his face. I climbed onto his bed, lying on my front as I watched him get dressed in usual all black attire. He smirked at me and I batted my eyelashes at him innocently, admiring the way his hands moved as he finished buttoning up his jacket. He was so beautiful.

I sat up on my knees as he walked over to me, taking my face in hands and I pouted when he didn't kiss me, just looking into my eyes as he ran his thumb over my cheek.

"I need you to do something for me," he said.

I swallowed, noting the dread that filled his eyes. "That depends what it is," I said, trying to ease the tension with a smirk.

"I need you to stay in my room tonight. Do not leave or go anywhere else. Just stay in here until I come back."

"What?" My stomach tightened.

"Please, Liv. Promise me you'll stay here until I come back and get you?"

"What's going on Draco?" I asked

He sighed, running his hands through his hair when I pulled away from him. "Do you trust me?" His voice trembled.

"Yes of course I do, Draco. But please talk to me, tell me what the hell has got you so worked up that you want to lock me in your room!" I exclaimed.

"I can't!" He almost shouted at me.

"Why not? I can help you through this." I reach out for his hand, but he pulled away from me.

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