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Getting up the next day, the first thing Zhan checked was his phone. And he got what he was looking for.

Bob: Good Morning!

Sean: What were you doing at 5 am?

Bob: Jogging.

Sean: hahahaaa, you are an early bird. Am yet to be out of bed.

Bob: Still, It's 7.45 am.

Sean: It's just a 10 to 15 min stroll to the office. Even if I get up by 8.30 I will reach there by 9.00.

Bob: Fine, Fine, Fine. Now get up... Get up now!!!! Sleepyhead...

Sean: Hey, Don't be my wife.

Bob: you married.

Sean: Nope, Single ready to mingle. It's just, I don't have time. Hehehee...

Bob: Stop spouting nonsense and go get up!!!

Sean: Fiiiiiine.😩

Bob: Gooooooooooo!!!!

Sean: I am going. Stop texting me...

Bob: Fine.

Sean: I mean for now.

Bob: I got it, now go.

By 8.45 Zhan reached his office. He directly went to Yunxi cubicle to get an update on the business plan. But Zhan was too early. He went back to his cabin and texted Bob.

Sean: Fuck you, Bo... I am early...

Bob: Who asked you to leave home before 8.30? I just asked you to get up.

Sean: Seriously 😤 Did you reach the office?

Bob: Nope, I will be there in five min.

Sean: Gotta go... See ya.

Bob: See ya.

Zhan saw Yunxi and Zhuocheng entering. "Yunxi is the presentation ready". Zhan asked.

Yunxi and Zhuocheng gave him a stupefied look. Zhan usually reached the office by 9.00 or two to three minutes late he never reached the office before time.

Zhuocheng asked, "Sir who kicked your ass this morning".

"Shut up, I just woke up early and ended up here" Zhan stood up.

Yunxi retorted, "Really, Fine I believe you. Anyhow the presentation is ready I already mailed you the slides and notches, Jessi would be taking the lead in presenting and we can pitch in".

Zhan patted them and went back to his cabin to check on his mails. Afternoon, both groups gathered at the meeting hall.

Zhan asked, "why don't you guys start? We'll pitch in. And Zoey and Song Jiang would be the ones taking minutes, right".

Yibo responded, "Right I mean fine, Yang and Li Bowen would be presenting our stance on your concept then you guys can carry on".

Both groups agreed to it. The presentation and discussion went smoothly. There wasn't much conflict or disagreement. They finally agreed upon a mixed strategy. Liu Haikuan and Luo Yunxi were asked to prepare the final draft and mail it to Zhan and Yibo.

Both of them didn't take part in the presentation or discussion. Maybe, that's the reason the discussion went smoothly.

When the meeting was adjourned, Wang Haoxuan asked them, "are we continuing with the routine?".

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