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Zhan woke up at 7.45 am as usual out of habit he checked his phone. For continuous 3 months, it was always Bo who messaged him first. But today he couldn't find Bo's message. He got a little disheartened. Still, he messaged him.

Sean: Good morning Booooo!

He waited for 15 min but he didn't get any reply. He messaged him again.

Sean: Bo, Are you okay?

And went off to get ready.

He reached the office by 8.40. He was too early. He checked again it was nth time he was checking his phone for the nth time for Bo's message, but it was all in vain.

Zhan was getting reckless. The chat space was his comfort zone for a while so he felt that, yesterday he messed it up. He was seriously in dismay.

He reached his cabin. He knew that this day was gonna suck. So to make it worse he found out that Yibo was on leave. It was 2 days but he extended it for a week. So he had to deal with clients alone for a week. For the past few months, Yibo became his partner. They used to go out for the client to meets together. He knew that Yibo was planning for 2 days off but he forgot when was it. Zhan was exhausted just thinking about everything. But he didn't know what the day was planning for him?

At 9.00 Luo Yunxi and Zoey reached the office. They saw Zhan's cabin door was open. So they went in.

Luo Yunxi asked, "Zhan, Man still tired."

Zhan who was in a daze, came out, "Hey Yunxi, Zoey when did you guys get in?".

Zoey gave him a whack on his head and asked, "In which world are you? You look awful? What's wrong?"

Zhan gave a sweet fake smile and said, "Nothing is wrong. I am fine."

"Zhan, Don't take those rumors too seriously. It's just rumors." Luo yunxi said it without thinking.

Zhan didn't infer what they meant. He asked, "Wait what rumors? Why would there be rumors about me?"

Zoey said, "Wait so you are not depressed because of those rumors."

"What rumors Zoey? I don't know about any rumors." Zhan replied.

"Are you even part of any office chat group?" Zoey asked.

"Yeah I am, but I muted most of them," Zhan said scratching his head.

Zoey asked, "Why? It's okay. Either way, there isn't anything good about them. And the rumors forget about it. It's nothing."

"Zoey, at least say what's the rumor? So that I can be prepared." Zhan retorted.

"It's about your previous relationship with Dilraba. They are saying you are still in relation but you are just playing hard to get." Zoey replied.

"It's just a rumor created out of jealousy, so don't give much damn. Do your work. I already mailed you the whole proposal. So submit it on time. And don't worry about other things."

Luo yunxi caressed Zhan's head and they both left the cabin.

This was Zhan's worst day. He was mad at Dilraba. Even when they were in a relationship, she used to lie to her friends about their relationship. And her possessiveness got the better half of his psyche. So finally he decided to break up.

Right now again he was in the same situation. He thought, for awhile he will ignore those rumors. If it goes out of hand he will then react. He checked his phone again hoping for a text still no. He texted him again.

Sean: Bo, if you are angry just say it. Please, don't ignore me. Please.

Placed his phone on his desk and left the cabin to meet his boss.

On the way to the boss's office, Zhan felt that every eye was on him. Some of them were murmuring too. He never liked to be the center of attention for no reason. He was getting really upset.

Zhan never realized that he was this paranoid. He wasn't maybe all these things happening he felt that he was becoming one. If it was earlier, he wouldn't even care about this rumor. But now everything was making him annoyed. As he reached the boss's office he was exhausted.

He entered the boss's office, a man was standing behind the desk who may have passed over fifty decades. Everything about him looked so pleasant. Zhan respected him. Not only Zhan everyone else.

Zhan greeted him, "Sir, Good Morning, How was your trip?"

Boss was thinking about something he was startled to hear Zhan's voice, "Zhan, Good morning my child. The trip wasn't that great, some people over fifty years catching up."

Zhan smiled and said, "Sir, I am pretty much sure you enjoyed it. Your face is gleaming."

Boss gave out a laugh, " Oh really Zhan! Thank you. I think the trip helped. But Zhan what happened to your smile. It looks dull. Is there a lot of work pressure?e?"

"Nope sir, everything is fine I think. It's just some unwanted things that are a bit bothering." Zhan replied.

Boss came over to Zhan he patted on Zhan's back and said, "Zhan my child, If a thing is bothering you then that thing is a wanted thing not unwanted. Figure out what's bothering you most and solve it. Just like Pareto Analysis, solve the critical problem rest would fall in place."

Zhan gave him a genuine smile, "Sir I will try that out. And Sir here is the new proposal. You may review it and let me know. Shall I take my leave."

"Ok Zhan, I will check it and let you know. You can leave." Boss said.

Zhan left his boss's office. He thought over what the boss said. He also wanted to figure it out but really didn't know where to start.

The rumors were messing things up for him so he pulled himself out from any gathering. Like even the evening coffee break. Zhan enjoyed being with his team and Yibos team. But he didn't feel like going to the cafeteria.

This went on for 4 to 5 days. He used to message Bo. But he didn't get any reply. He really wanted to talk to someone. But couldn't figure who to speak to. So he indulged himself in work. He was pulling of night shifts for a couple of days. Still, the rumors weren't planning to die.

During every coffee break, someone from his team or Yibos team would ask Zhan to join them but he would come up with one or the other excuse. The squad missed their team leads. But they also knew that all of them need their personal space so they respected that and never forced Zhan.

On another hand, Yibo was furious and sad. He just knew Liu Haikuan's number so hejust contacted him to let him know that he had an accident and fractured hisarm and he would be extending his leave for one weak. He wanted to contact Seanbut he didn't have any means. He missed Sean. He missed Zhan. He missed hiswhole evening crew. Still, He had to deal with this for 1 week

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