Part 2🐍

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POV Ximena

Draco and I walk out of Umbridge office laughing. She let us go because we are Slytherins and we're Prefects. 'It is quite early do want to go to my secret spot I want to show you something' Draco asks. 'Yeah sure how are we going' he smirks 'It's a surprise go get ready' he slaps my ass, I push him away 'fuck off Draco' I giggle. I see Harry quickly turn around and walk away, I roll my eyes. We walk to our common room and I quickly take a shower before changing in some black high waisted jeans and a dark green tube top, I put on my white nike air forces and some Slytherin earrings (media). I grab my wand and put it in my pocket. Draco is waiting for me outside of my room. 'Damn girl you look good' he looks me up and down, I smile at him. He wears a dark green T-shirt and some black pants with black shoes. 'We're kind of matching' I smirk. He rolls his eyes and grabs my hand. 'Well let's go' we walk out of the Slytherin common room. To the court yard 'what are we doing here' he takes out his broom out of somewhere. 'Oh hell no I'm flying myself or I'm not going at all' he laughs 'nah ah there is no time left to go back to the common room just jump on the back' I roll my eyes and just go with it.

I can see Harry, Hermione, Ginny and Ron coming outside. 'Please go Harry is coming this way' I whisper to Draco he nods and we fly away. Draco flies to a part of the forest were it isn't dangerous. We land on this open spot in the middle of the forest and I get of the broom. There is a beautiful lake here I look around but don't see any animals except for a few birds. Draco puts a blindfold in front of my eyes and lifts me off my feet. 'If you wanted to have blindfolded sex you could have just told me, we didn't have to fly all the way' I giggle. He laughs but doesn't say anything. 'I swear if you drop me in the lake I'll kill you' 'don't worry I got you' I sigh and lay my head on his chest. After a short walk he puts me down. He whispers some spells and then takes of my blindfold. There is this beautiful tree house.

'Damn it is beautiful Draco' I tell him 'thanks I build it just for the two of us' he smirks

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'Damn it is beautiful Draco' I tell him 'thanks I build it just for the two of us' he smirks. I laugh 'no seriously tho I want this to be our home away from Hogwarts. I have loved for such a long time I'm not gonna keep it in me for any longer. We have been dating for a while but I just want to make it official. Ximena Lily Potter would you like to be my girlfriend' I blush 'of course I would love to' he gives me a genuine smile and pulls me in for a hug. I pull back and kiss him. After a few minutes I pull back and grab his hand. 'Lets go inside' he opens the door for me and lets me go first.

After we hang out for awhile we decide to go back. 'It is really cold so you need a sweater' Draco asks I nod and he gives me one of his sweater that was here. It is a bit too big for me but it is very comfy 'I'm sorry but I'm keeping this' he grins 'sure' We get back in the broom to go back to hogwarts. When we come back I see Harry waiting in the court yard. 'I'll see you in the common room okay' I say to Draco. He nods and I give him a peck. I walk to Harry who has probably see it all. 'Hey who are ya waiting for' I ask him 'for you' I nod 'what are you doing with Malfoy' I blush 'I'm kind of his girlfriend' I look to the ground 'Come on Xi you know he's bad news' 'I can handle it and just because his father is rumored to be a Death Eater doesn't mean he actually is. I've met him and Narcissa multiple times and they've been nothing but nice to me' Harry sighs knowing he isn't going to win this 'alright just be careful and if he does anything you don't like just tell me and I'll beat his ass' I laugh and hug Harry. 'Come on I'll walk you to your Common Room' he wraps his arm around my neck and we walk to the dungeons. When we are walking down the stairs to the dungeons we meet Umbridge 'where are you going mr Potter your Common Room isn't down there' 'Just dropping off my sister professor' she just nods and walks away. I roll my eyes 'She only likes me because I'm a Slytherin, me and Draco didn't get in trouble just because of that'
When we are finally there I hug him 'we're still on for Friday right?' He nods and we say our goodbyes.

I walk into the common room to find a lot of Slytherins. 'Damn whose sweater is that Ximena' Daphne shouts across the room. 'Dracos, ya jealous' I smirk she laughs and walks to me. She gives me hug and we take a seat on the couch. Daphne is one of my friends. We talk for awhile until it is time to go down to the dining hall. I wave to Harry, Ron and Hermione and take a seat next to Draco. He turns to me and gives me a peck on the lips.

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