Hi this ending is one of many but i made it up {CoT}

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ONE! this has primus jackson.

If you have no idea wtf a primus cod character is,Here:

Have fun. Oh that's not the best example? Uh..Sorry I'm lazy.

SO! my arts going through puberty. Ew.

Explaining key things before comic:

Primus jackson isn't like Ultimis Jackson [The one you know]. He's alot more like the character he's based on here: More serious and less forgiving.

He isn't afraid of bread but his eyes are still fucked up.

STORY OF COMIC: in an alternate universe where chill full on died,no revive,nothing,Jackson fell into a major depression [goddamnit it dep] and took his own life in kino der toten after being bitten,Shooting himself in the throat soon after dross became god.

Enter the primus crew in CoT.

Chill finds herself speared on a staircase railing and leaves to investigate what happened.

Dross talks to the one there,Enjoying his recognition as a god.

Jackson left flair [Chill_Tilla's oc] to find Harley and collect her soul.

He unlocked a door and went in,seeing himself,his alternate self,shuffling around,his eyes changing colors even after death. As fascinating as it was,He knew he had to put him out of his misery

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This is a alternate ending to a multi ending game based au.

And! Zombie jackson can still only see humans/dross.


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