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On Harry and Ginny's wedding day, Harry was getting ready and he was staring into a mirror, as he looked into the mirror framed with a golden frame, he could see the ghosts of people. He wasn't sure who they were exactly, so he walked away to prepare. While he was standing up at the altar, waiting for Ginny, he felt people behind him. He looked back and nobody was there. When he turned back around, The first thing he saw was Ginny, in a beautiful gown. but he also saw something else in the corner of his eye. As he turned he saw 10 pale figures. He focused his eyes, and he could tell exactly who they were. Grinning wide were, Sirius, James, Lily, Lupin, Tonks, Fred, Dobby, and Hedwig, perched on Fred's arm. But in the very back of the tent, he could make out another figure. That figure was Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape, staring at Lily. Harry was now surrounded by everyone he ever cared about.

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