Chapter 19

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Matthew's POV
"I'm gonna kill him," I muttered to no one in particular as I walked down the hospital corridors, searching for Cansas' room. "I'm going to kill him, then I'm going to bring him back to life and kill him again."

"Matthew, hey," I hear a familiar voice say behind me. I turn around and see a fellow from school.

"Max, hi," I answer, smiling politely. "What're you doin?" 'Oh God, please don't tell me you're here for Cansas. This is the last thing they need right now. After what happened to Ruby...' I thought. Ruby. Sweet, beautiful Ruby. I was aware she had cancer, but we were told she had longer. All that stress about Cansas had her leaving earlier than thought.

"-my brother," I heard Max saying.

I felt so stupid as I asked, "Pardon? Sorry, I completely zoned out."

Max chuckled, though it sounded more forced. Everything that Ruby's friends did these days were forced. None of them had been at school since her death, and I can't blame them. I had even spent hours on end just crying, screaming and fighting once I found out. She had meant a lot to me.

"I came to see my brother," Max said just as I started listening. "I guess I should tell you though," he hesitated, arguing with himself. Finally coming to a conclusion, Max said, "Cansas is here. In this hospital. On this ward. I think you should go see her. Room 216. Good luck." I nodded at him and ran off, literally jogging to her room.

When I reached room 216, I burst in. Expecting to see Cansas' small body in the hospital bed, I instead saw a middle aged woman, two younger women, two middle aged men and a baby. "What are you doing in here?" I asked rudely, my heart aching. Had Max lied to me?

"This is my room. What are you doing in here?" the middle aged woman asked me from the bed.

I ignored her question and almost shouted, "Since when is this room yours? You don't stay here, Cansas does."

At that point a nurse walked in, hearing me arguing with the woman. "Cansas? Dirty blonde hair, brown eyes? Seventeen years of age? Pregnant?" the nurse asked.

"Yes, that one," I nodded my head vigorously.

The nurse exhaled a small chuckle and rolled her eyes. "'That one' is in the next room. Room 216."

I narrowed my eyes in confusion. "I am in room," I started, glancing at the door, "215," I huffed in annoyance. Without an apology to the family I had bust in on, I ran out the door and to the next room. The door was closed this time and I decided to try my luck at knocking.

"We're busy," I heard a voice I longed to shut up.

I burst in, totally ignoring what Jett had said. "Yeah, well you're never too busy for a visit from your daddy," I rolled my eyes, spitting out 'daddy.'

"Matthew!" Cansas yelled, trying to get out of bed. Jett was pushing her down, telling her not to move. When Cansas slapped his hand away and kept struggling out, Jett slapped her. Whilst Cansas was gripping her cheek in pain, Jett forced her down

I felt myself get mad; felt my fists clenching. I stormed up to Jett and pushed him aside, grabbing Cansas' cheek. "Are you alright?" I heard myself ask in a soothing tone. She may be having my son's children, but by God I wanted to kiss her. Wanted to hold her and whisper cute things into her ears. Wanted to cuddle with her and make all her problems go away. Overall, I just wanted to be with her.

Cansas nodded, letting her head fall limp into my hand. I scooped her into a hug, resting my chin on her head. She smelt so wonderful. Sure, cheap soap smell wasn't exactly lovely, but what I meant was that she smelt like Cansas. Like roses, vanilla and sunshine.

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