The Library

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"Thank you again Mr. Logan for helping us find the last herb we needed for healing our father."

"You're welcome. Now for my payment please."

"Yes of course, here you are. This is a story our late grandmother read to us as children. We've memorized the tale so we have no need to keep the book around."

"It's only been collecting dust on the bookshelf. It could use a new home."

Graciously, Logan took the book and inspected its title; The Prince of Syds. The book was of the fairy-tale variety and told of a Prince that went on many harrowing adventures. The book was of a decent thickness and looked to be an interesting read for the scholar tonight. Casually, Logan hopped back on to his horse and trotted off back to his secluded homestead.

Logan was a recluse that lived a decent distance away from the neighboring towns. There in his comfy abode he collected a variety of literature and stored them all in his personal library. The library consisted of a multitude of genres from mystery, adventure, romance, nonfiction, maps, journals, and more. Logan was never picky when it came to a new read and he was titillated with his current find.

Like a child at Christmas, Logan pulled up a chair to his desk and gingerly turned the cover. Inside the book read a tale of The Prince of Syds that was on a quest to save the princess from the villainous Dragon Witch. While the initial premise may appear cliche, the story had many unexpected twists and turns. One of them being that the actual Dragon Witch was his twin brother that had been kidnapped as a baby and was being controlled by a sorcerer called D.

"Interesting, I had found it curious why this Dragon Witch had not just attacked the kingdom as a whole and only settled for a mere princess we hadn't previously been introduced to. To think it was the Prince's brother who was still fighting against the mind control placed on him."

Logan rubbed his eyes as a tiny yawn escaped his mouth, "I should call it a night and return to my chambers."

Another yawn, this time more pronounced, caused Logan's mind to lock onto the idea of sleep. In his haste he simply placed the book onto his 'to read later' podium, left wide open. As Logan slumbered the book started imitating a mysterious glow as the pages flipped furiously to the start of the story. Once the book stopped on the page showcasing the Prince character a small hand covered in light stretched out and pulled its remaining parts out of the book. Now free from its bindings a tiny man now stood upon the page in confusion.

"Wha-what is this? Where am I? Just a moment ago I was conversing with my long-lost twin brother and now I've suddenly been summoned to this unfamiliar realm filled with giant objects."

Frantically, the tiny man looked about the darkened room. He searched desperately to find something recognizable, but his eyes failed him. Distort, he huffed loudly,

"I can't see anything in this darkened place, but I can at least see where I stand. I'm high up, too high to get down from so I shall remain here."

Frustrated at his own uselessness the tiny man laid himself down on the pages folded beneath him and fell asleep until beams of warm sunlight awoke him. He gave a small yawn as he stretched unaware of the figure looming behind him.

"How peculiar."

Shocked, the tiny man spun around to face the booming voice that ringed through his ears. Instinctively he yelped and jumped to his feet in order to take a defensive stance, but as he motioned downwards towards his hip a grim realization hit him. He was unarmed as a giant towered over him with peering eyes. Despite his fear he called out to the massive figure,

"Stay back giant fiend! I may be unarmed, but I've faced worse in more dire straits!"

Logan raised an eyebrow in response as he leaned in closer allowing his face to catch the light of the sun.

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