Where did you come from??

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Previously in Darkness Unleashed - - - 

"Time for a surprise" cackled the creature raising a single clawed hand to the air.
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The creature's hand had a slight glow, dark energy began to surround the creature's hand "Normally my brothers and sisters would do this together but they're all no shows so I'll do it myself" said the creature as it created a black glowing orb in it's clawed hand 

"NIGHTMARE REALM CONSUME THIS PLANET" shouted the creature hurling the orb at the Taylor's home, the orb soared closer and closer to the quiet home and unsuspecting occupants

"Finally, a new world to call our own" laughed the creature as it turned away from the home and flew back into the clouds, the black orb neared it's target with each second

Max from his bedroom looked out of his window and noticed something soaring at his home, quickly he ran out onto his balcony hoping to get a better view of what it was, seeing it was an orb of some kind he panicked slightly "DAD MOM COME QUICK" screamed Max as he ran from the balcony and to the hallway 

Within seconds of Max's cry Spike was up the stairs and at his son's door Aki slowly following behind, "Max what happened" asked Spike panicking "Look outside there's an orb flying at us" said Max as he tried to keep himself from freaking out

Spike wasted no time in rushing to the balcony where he saw the orb coming straight at them "MAX GET YOUR MOTHER OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW" shouted Spike sternly with a hint of worry to his voice Max obeyed and helped his mother down the stairs and out into the front of the house Max was about to run back in for his father but just as he took a step to head back in his father was rushing out of the house "Max we should get further ...  LOOK OUT" warned Spike as he rushed to Aki and pulled her out of harms way Max being a bit quicker rushed away and was suddenly hurled onto the ground by a large impact which shook the ground and gave off a massive shock wave 

The shock wave set off car alarms, shattered windows in their house and nearing residents, and broke the lights in the street lights, Max sat up from the ground and looked around frantically for his mother and father, he got up quickly inspecting himself from any injuries and making sure he didn't maybe have a head injury from the fall before running through the cloud of dust he found his parents safe and sound 

Aki was so relieved Max was safe Spike hugged the two of them tightly, they stayed like that for a few seconds before hearing a small sizzle and pops coming from the crater which was now a bit visible due to the dust starting to settle "What in the" mumbled Max

Spike stood in front of his wife and son in a protecting way "No matter what crawls out of that crater I will protect them" thought Spike as he watched the crater for any movement, he watched the crater for a while as people began to race out of their homes to see what had happened "Did a bomb go off" asked one "Oh my god Aki, Spike are you ok" asked their friend a few houses down Mrs. Kashi 

"Mrs. Kashi, oh were all fine thankfully but I think everyone should go back inside what if ..." started Aki before everybody heard a loud pop come from the crater again, everyone was watching the crater in horror 

Just then they heard sirens "The police" thought Max happily, the police cars pulled up to the street "Is anyone hurt" asked an Officer "No, were all safe" said Spike "Good, though I must urge everyone to get back into their houses for their own safety" said the officer

Just then a final pop and sizzle was heard as a ray of dark energy shot up from the crater and into the sky people fled in terror "EVERYONE GET INSIDE"shouted an officer as the energy in the sky began to circle and warp

"MAX" shouted a voice approaching "Huh, Dume" asked Max confused turning to around to see his raven haired friend on his bike peddling quickly towards him

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