book part 3

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*days later*

bon;*smiles as he is siting on her brests*

luna;*gigles* im glad master that ur my boyfrend

bon;me too so what shall we do now?

luna; well *she blushes* i have herd of this thing called sex

bon;0_0 *thaught 1;IM GOING DIE IF SHE DOES THAT.  thaught 2;but would be a nice way to go -///////-.*

luna; dear? u ok

bon;-////- ya but um i dont thing we should

luna;...ok i get it u dont love me


luna;then why dont u help me have it?

bon; UMMM....^_^' cause we arnt marryed yet!

luna; do u wish that we where?

bon; no not now it only been 5 days

luna; verry well dear *she pets his head planing to do it anyway*


well guys sorry for the long white but tell me how u think this should go leave a comet

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