later that night......
luna;dear can i have a wish
bon;shure tell me it
luna;cause it a suprise
bon;ok ok i wish for whatever ur thinking
luna;*she smiles and grants her wish* now u cant be killed at all and ur my slave for a few days
luna;i want to play *she takes off her pantys and takes off all his close*
bon;p-please luna dont shove me in there!
luna;im not *she taps his but and he got hard and she layed him on the bed ans slowly sat on him making shure it was a direct hit*mmmmm
bon;-///////////- l-luna this i-is nice
luna;*she gigled* im loveing it too
bon;i dont want this to ever end
luna;well it must so u can wish more
*after a few minits they both chumed*
bon;*he coffs*luna can u clean me off?
luna;yes *she gets off and picks him up and licks him all over cleaning him*
bon;*he mones as she does this*
luna:*sucks him as he mones*
bon;*mones loudly*
luna;*pulls him out* that was good u taste like candy in fact
bon;._. l-luna what are u doing?!?!?!
luna;*drops him in her mouth and moves him all over with her toung*mmmmm
lets leave them alone for a bit this may be a wile
giantess genie book
Fantasiait came to me in a dream so I thought AWWWWWW WHAT THE HELL lets do it