•~Territories & Clans~•

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The three clans live on a small island off the coast. The territories are separated by rivers, jointed in the middle of the island by a small lake with a boulder in the middle. The boulder is where the leaders stand for a meeting, and a hole in the boulder leads down to the Star Stone, the clans' connection to StarClan.

Foxes and Badgers and other animals like that are very rare, the only way that they could get there is by being transported by twolegs on a boat and escaping to the Island. Twolegs don't know about the Island at all.

Every once in a while a new cat will make it to the island by escaping the mainland. The clans have no way to get back to the mainland because the wind pushes towards the Island and it would be impossible for the cats to float back. The clan cats are stranded on the Island.

SunClan's territory is mostly made up of trees. The trees give them cover so they can hunt forest critters, like squirrels, mice, and other small animals. They also have a small strip of the beach, that they don't use too much.


Camp: In a sheltered, rocky clearing, downhill from the ocean.

Leaders Den/Meeting Place: Pile of rocks with a cave inside where the leader sleeps.

Medicine Cat Den: Stones angled together against the camp barrier to making a den with plenty of room inside. The herbs are stored in holes in the camp's wall inside the den.

Apprentice Den: Thick bush with yellow flowers, reinforced with branches.

Nursery: A tree leaned up against a rock to make a shelter for the cats sleeping inside.

Warriors Den: Large, hollow, boulder with plenty of room for all the warriors.

Elders Den: Medium-sized, hollow, boulder, nice, and roomy for the few elders living in it.

Old Stump: Stump of a large tree that fell and decayed many years ago. Great spot to catch squirrels.

Twisted Tree: A strange twisted tree with large branches.

Twisted Tree: A strange twisted tree with large branches

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SandClan's territory has the sandiest area, and more trees than OceanClan. They use their sandy beaches to catch crabs, but don't catch very much fish. Squirrels and Mice are commonly caught, but crabs are the favored prey.

Camp: Secluded area, with few trees, the camp is surrounded by thick bushes.

Leaders Den/Meeting Place: Tall tree with hollow ground under it, just big enough for two cats, but usually only used for one.

Medicine Cat Den: A large boulder, with holes on the inside where herbs are stored. There's extra room for patients to sleep in the back.

Apprentices Den: Large fallen tree with a hole in it. The apprentices go through the hole and sleep in the hollowed-out tree.

Nursery: Thick bramble bush covered in moss and ferns on the inside to help prevent injuries. The ground is covered in moss and ferns as well.

Warrior Den: bush surrounded with all sorts of plants and ferns to give cover, most of the plants have decayed, giving the den a brown look.

Elders Den: Den made of thickly woven ferns to give the elders shelter from the rain. The den is a little on the small side but still fits the elders nicely.

Crab Nest: An area on the beach where lots of crabs' nests are. The best place for catching crabs.

Fallen Tree: Giant tree that fell in one of the early storms, a great place to catch mice and squirrels that live in the tree.

Bent Tree: A large tree that is growing sideways on the beach. One of the favorite spots for cats to go and just relax.

 One of the favorite spots for cats to go and just relax

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OceanClan's territory has very few trees and is mostly open moorland with lots of wildflowers. The tall grass is a great cover for rabbits. Their land seems much smaller because part of their beach is covered in shallow water. OceanClan cats love water and find most of their prey comes from the ocean. They catch fish and the occasional crab.

Camp: A small scoop in the ground, there are a few bushes around it as well.

Leaders Den/Meeting Place: Tall rock with a hole in it where the leader sleeps.

Medicine Cat Den: Nice sized tree with hollow ground under it where the Medicine Cat stays. The herbs are stored on the roots below ground.

Apprentice Den: Den weaved out of reeds and ferns. Just big enough for all the apprentices.

Nursery: Medium-sized stone with a hole in it for the kits and queens. Ferns cover the entrance, protecting the cats from rain and wind.

Warrior Den: Big bush with hollow ground under it where the warriors sleep.

Elders Den: Pile of rocks with plenty of room for all the elders.

Sun Boulders: Large boulders in the shallow area of the ocean. The rocks are warm when the sun is out and are a favorite place for cats to go in warm weather.

Rabbit Warren: A large rabbit warren, the best place to catch rabbits.

Rabbit Warren: A large rabbit warren, the best place to catch rabbits

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•~Sun, Sand, & Ocean~• A Warrior Cats RoleplayWhere stories live. Discover now