❤️Beginning to the End❤️

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He sighed as he was opening his locker, seeing Alvin hold Brittany's hand. Simon just rolled his eyes while grabbing books out of his locker. Suddenly he felt someone tap his shoulder.

It was Brittany.

"Umm,,, Brittany what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Alvin,"   Simon said. Brittany put her hands on her waist and said, "Uh no? He just went to class,, well anyways I was wondering if you could help me set up a date with Alvin!"

"Oh yeah, of course." Simon mumbled, pushing up his glasses to fit his face. "Yay! Thanks! See ya later."

I got back home with a sad expression on my face, David noticing it. "Hey simon, you doing alright?" He had said to me with worry in his eyes. "Yeah I guess...just school stuff." I said while giving a fake little laugh.


I was getting supplies to help Brittany when I had noticed she was with someone, she was....


Someone else..

I quickly took a picture then yelled, "How could you do this to alvin?! You traitor!" She looked at me with shock in her eyes, I noticed that she had tears rolling down her cheek, but I could careless she stole my man.

I quickly ran over to my house, barging in through the door. "Alvin! Look!" I yelled trying to catch my breath. "Huh, what is it Simon?" He got up from his bed looking at the photo on my phone. "Eh." He said. I was shocked, why did he just say, "Eh,"??

"Look, Simon, I know she's been cheating on me. That was the reason for the date so I could break up with her," he has said. I felt so happy knowing that he wanted to break up with her, but he probably doesn't like me. "Simon..." I looked at him with a confused expression, tilting my head. "I love you!" Alvin said as he kissed me. I kissed him back.

He bit my lip, asking to enter my mouth with his tongue, then we had a slobbery, good, sweet, tasty kiss. Brittany ran in, catching us in the act. She looked shocked, more shocked then before. "Alvin! It's not what it looked like and!-" She exclaimed-    Alvin cutting her off, "No Brittany, I've had enough of you! Leave my house now! We. are. over"



Me and Alvin are now happily married and have two little rascals of our own.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2020 ⏰

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