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I rode on my flying broom, going as fast as a steel horse from the outside world would do. I stuck out my tongue, insulting my pursuer.

"Get back here!" A girl's voice shouted at me as she sickly tries to go after me, firing danmaku of all kinds.

"You've gotta be more strict on guarding your books, ze!"

My name is Marisa Kirisame. I am a human, an Ordinary Magician who doesn't want to be stripped of humanity.

The person chasing me down as of now is Patchouli Knowledge, the keeper of many tomes and grimoire of all kinds inside her library at the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

I escaped by flying through one of the windows, my haul today is a strange black book which has no identification on it which makes it a complete mystery. I do hope I can read it as well when I get home.

As minutes pass, I managed to fly across the lake bypassing that Ice Fairy who, to my surprise didn't attack me. What's with her?

I reached my home, deep inside the Forest of Magic safely without any encounters. Quickly going inside and slamming the doors closed, and latched them shut I put the mysterious tome on my table.

"Now, let's see what you are containing..."

And, without my knowing... Opening that book changed everything... Drastically.

I sure wish... I shouldn't have picked a book that has no information on what it is... Or else this might not have happened.

Part of the Touhou Souls Stories

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