Confronting Master

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As I flew, I can feel her, crawling inside my skin. Her presence.

Patchy really is trying to take over, and I don't want to be controlled by anyone, not even her.

The coat she... We, had created warmed my body down from the cold winds.

In front of me, I see daylight, while behind me I see the moon fading. A new day has born, while the previous night has died.

How poetic. Here I am, on a journey for a final confrontation with Master. I landed down in front of the forest entrance, which is no longer covered in vines.

There stood Alice, waiting for me it seems. She smiled at my presence.

"Welcome, Marisa. Mima-Sama is waiting for us at your home."

"Mind if you accompany me?"

"Sure, anything for you, Marisa."

We walked through the path, surrounded by trees which blocks the light from both the fading moon, and the rising sun.

As we walk, I can feel Alice stealing glances at me and when I looked at her, she averted her gaze to the path ahead.


"Yes, Marisa?"

"What do you think of me?"

"Why do you ask, Marisa?"

"Answer the damn question, ze."

"Well, you're cute and strong. I liked you, maybe even more than that, Marisa. I loved you."

I feel the heat rising to my face, and I couldn't look at her in the eyes.

"Umm, maybe we need to go faster? What about if we float there on my broom?"

She nodded, and we both flew through the path in a high speed. I can feel her behind me, wrapping her arms around my body, and her cheek pressed on my back.

I smiled, at the warmth that she provided with this embrace.

But it didn't last long, as I see...


My house, my domain. The place which I moved into, after I separated myself from my Father, in order to train with Master.

Beside the window, Master sat on the chair, looking down. Her hair covers her eyes, giving a cold look.

We stopped floating using the broom, and we walked up to Master.

"Master, I need to talk--"

"Is it about your magician friend? And my involvement with her?"

"It is. Why, Master? Why did you do it?"

"I don't have a lot of choice in the matter at that time. I'm terribly sorry, Marisa."

"Let's change the subject. Can you help me with... How do I say this, ze? Something?"


"I can feel Patchy's mind taking over mine. We fought, alright? And I won, but she had this trick on her sleeve, trying to take over my mind and body for herself. To make every each one of Gensokyo's denizens kneel before her."

"Was it? Well, I can take care of that... Although, it will surprise you, if I tell you this."

"What is it, Master? Is it really dangerous?"

"It is, yet it is also simple. The night has nearly come to an end... And now I can show you mercy."

"Mercy? What do you mean by that, Master?"

"I can free you, from both her influence, and from this Gensokyo. This whole time, you are in a horrible nightmare. The book that you opened has trapped you inside this world, which I named the Dream of Magus. Apparently The Great Magus wanted to take control of you... Who opened the book. Previously, she tried to take me but failed. As a result, I'm bound to your home."

I widened my eyes.

"Wait, so it's all...?"

"Always has been."

"And dare I ask what kind of mercy are we talking about here?"

"Let me slay you, before you fall into your friend, The Great Magus' control. And in turn, let her take me."

She took her staff, and continued on with her words.

"After you wake up, you will forget everything that happened in the dream. You shall be free, at the cost of forgetting our conversations in this world."

My body trembled. I had met Master after all these years, only for me to lose her again?

"Now, shall I give you mercy, and slay you, my student?"

I looked behind me, to see Alice still smiling. She closed her eyes as she shook her head. She doesn't want me to accept Master's mercy?

But if I refuse, I don't even know what will Master do to me.

What should I do?

- To Be Continued

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