Chapter 19

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"I want to hurt you so badly..."


Big boring chapter. Still enjoy ♥️


3rd Person Pov

In Shen Xiao Hai Mansion

Crystal Zhang and Lu Jian Min standing few space away from CiCi Lu. Carman Lee was standing in front CiCi Lu. Behind Carman Lee, Shen Xiao Hai was standing few space away.

"I am warning you third time.. And this is the last warning... I won't hesitate to kill you if it needs for the sake of my children and my family...." Carman Lee said while standing in front CiCi Lu.

CiCi Lu was silent all the time. Not just CiCi Lu but everyone was silent for three minutes. CiCi Lu' eyes already become teary. She sniff her nose to control her tears. Then she looks at Carman Lee.

"Don't fucking look at me with your disgusting eyes.. I truly want to kill you.. You are just a trash on this earth..." Carman Lee shout.

"You are calling your twin sister...." Before CiCi Lu could continue Carman Lee scream.

"ENOUGH..." Carman Lee shout.

Carman Lee start looking around then she spotted a flower vase. She immediately go near to the table and take that flowers vase. CiCi Lu become scared.

"Stop..." CiCi Lu said.

Carman Lee with her all anger she throw that vase on CiCi Lu's head. CiCi Lu shout in pain while holding her head. Blood start coming out from her wound. Presenting there everyone become starlet too after seeing Carman Lee's behaviour.

"You don't even know how much I hate you.. Don't play your sister card again in front me..." Carman Lee shout.

"Honey.. Control your anger..." Shen Xiao Hai said.

"Carman, control your anger..." Lu Jian Min said.

Crystal Zhang didn't say anything she was just looking at Carman Lee. CiCi Lu uncovered her wound. She let the blood come out. Then she looks at Carman Lee.

"So you can walk from the beginning?" CiCi Lu asked.

Carman Lee take a deep breath to control her anger. Then she go near to CiCi Lu.

"Not from the beginning... When I got paralysed first time. Doctor told me to take rest I will be fine soon because it was for temporary... But my twin sister start gave me wrong medicine.. To made me paralysed for permanently.." Carman Lee said normally and start walking in front CiCi Lu.

"She comes in our house and guess what she did?" Carman Lee asked while turning to CiCi Lu.

"She changed my medicine. She start giving me wrong medicine. Because of that I was paralysed for 5 years..." Carman Lee said.

CiCi Lu didn't say anything. She just gulping down because whatever she did about those medicine Carman Lee knew from the beginning.

"Then why did you pretend?" CiCi Lu asked nervously.

"Aha.. Sister you are forgetting something..." Carman Lee said.

"What?" CiCi Lu asked again because she can't remember whatever Carman Lee is saying.

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