Meeting Girls' Generation: Chapter 1

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I just got off school and i'm walking home from school while listening to Girls' Generation as I always do. When I get home I see a bus and I say out loud "what's going on?" even though i'm all by myself. So i unlock the door and walk into my living room and I see my dad and 8 girls. I realize those 8 girls are Girls' Generation. I ask my dad "OH MY GOD! Dad what's going on?" Taeyeon stands up and says " We are here because we needed a new member so we auditioned people. Your friend Angela got accepted and she asked if you could come with since you are a huge fan of us. We asked your dad and he said you can come. Congratulations Daniel!" I was amazed so much that I fainted for the first time in my life. My eyes open and I ask "How long was I out?" Tiffany has my head on her lap and she says "Just a couple of seconds but are you alright?" I say "Yes I was just so shocked that I fainted. Wow i fainted for the first time in my life." Omg I can't believe that I actually fainted. "I should probaly start packing. Can you please help me, Tiffany." She smiles and says "Sure, why not." Yay I never told anyone this but I have a secret crush on Tiffany.

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