Philosopher's stone -4

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"Me? Books and cleverness, there are more important things- friendship and bravery"

Hermione Granger


Christmas Rolls around, and Draco is excited to meet up the Willows. The Willows are currently celebrating Christmas with them, over the past months in Hogwarts Eunice and Draco's friendship has been stronger.

Draco found out about that Theo Nott has been messing with Eunice, so he made him back off. Threatened him that he will bully him for the rest of the school years along with Crabbe, Goyle and Blaise. Theo angrily distanced himself from Eunice, making her relief. She is so thankful that she stopped calling him Malfoy and instead 'Draco'.

Draco smiled warmly as he saw his best friend. He gave her a light hug then they went to their living room and sat on the couch.

"I see you two have gotten closer"
Lucius smiled at the two children.

"Nice to meet you again, Eunice. How's your relationship with Draco? You seem to enjoy his company"
Eunice felt a bit uncomfortable when asking about her relationship with Draco, since they treat each other as best friends but she knew she have to lie.

"He's the sweetest sir, he's an absolute gentleman" Draco looked at his dad with a proud face even though he knew she was lying.

"Very good Draco, I'll leave you two then" The adults were in a different room, while Eunice and Draco sat in the living room with Dobby as usual.

"That was a nice one"
Draco said to Eunice

"I'm a great actress you know"
Eunice flipped her jet black hair, her hair's the same as Narcissa Malfoy but only longer and with more volume.

"More like a great liar" Draco scoffed, he then lay his head on Eunice's lap attempting to sleep.

"Draco can you please sit straight, you're heavy" Eunice slapped Draco's cheeks after knowing he wouldn't sit straight causing him to flinch and sit straight.

"Merlin's beard Eunice, I'm just trying to take a damn nap you annoying brat"
Eunice and Dobby laughed at Draco's remarks then they played wizards chess all afternoon.


As they went back to Hogwarts, a lot of things happened to Eunice and Draco-
Eunice is friends with Pansy Parkinson and Daphne again while Draco is more angry with Potter than usual.

There is something Eunice noticed, potter and his two friends are always acting suspicious, its like they're trying to solve something out but Eunice decided to mind her own business, she doesnt want to be involved on something she's not welcomed.

She's happy because Theo didn't bother her even when they passed by each other, Thank God.

"This pudding's nice"
Goyle said then ate his entire bowl of pudding. While the boys are busy eating, Eunice, Pansy and Daphne are busy looking at Gryffindor boys.

"if you're to date any Gryffindor boy who would you chose?" Daphne asked Pansy

"I don't know, I don't really like them"
She said then stared at Malfoy.

"How about you Eunice? Who would you date in Gryffindor?" Daphne asked Eunice.

Eunice ate a small piece of sausage then answered her. "No one, Boys are a waste of time Daphne"

"For me, I'd certainly date Harry Potter. He's such a cutie" Eunice just nodded at her, after eating Eunice and Draco went to their last class for the day, Defense against the dark arts. Professor Quirrell greeted the students and continue to stutter for the rest of the class.

Bad Naughty Slytherin Boy|| Draco Malfoy {COMPLETED}  Where stories live. Discover now