hurtful hidden memories

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this takes place around s2
tw/homophobic slanders and mental illness and suicidal reference

luz and willow were just hanging out in class photo memories class. willow used the memory tweezers and saw all types of photos. one of luz holding a azura book when she was very young.

another of her willow and amity playing grungby. before willow could see the last one luz snatched it and covered it with her hand "luz are you ok?" willow ask worried luz looked as if she was sad and frightened "yeah willow im a ok 100% dandy!" luz said with a forced smile. willow wasn't buying it

"luz is it a bad hair day or something?" "willow it's nothing just .. forget about it" luz said as she began packing up. the bell rang "lets go to lunch" luz said. her and willow left luz thought she had put the picture in bag but it fell on the ground instead.

boscha was walking down the hall mean mugging people when she saw a photo of luz in what appeared to be a darkish room with tears running down her face. boscha picked it up and walked into photos class. boscha had a terrible idea

in the lunch room luz was in the middle of talking when her head hurt like a ripping pain. "ok so for my glyphs i just- oww!!" amity gus and willow were startled by her sudden yell. " um hi how did i get here?" "um luz u walked with us there this morning?" amity said confused "uh no i don't even know you guys?" luz continued the gang went to the photo room and saw luz's photos in shreds. "uh what is this thing ?" luz said as she looked at her hand confused. "oh no something tore her memories apart!" amity said in worry.

eda was visually worried "ok this is like last time but luz is human so be careful and try to find inner luz she could help" "amity you have to go you and luz fixed me i know you can fix her" willow encourage. eda twirled her staff and sent amity into her mind.

amity saw a flash of light and saw gallery of luzes memories luz was sitting on the floor crying. "luz!" amity yelled as she ran over to her and pulled her in a hug. "what happened?" "i dont know but look at my art" luz showed a tear in her arm like a paper bit was missing

"the longer i sit the more i get ripped apart " luz cried. amity held luz's face in her hand and said "luz im here to help lets go fix your mind" luz whipped her face and stood up

the first one they entered luz and amity saw luz's old room it was pink and had been covered with witch posters. amity though it was cute. luz saw a azura book and put it on the self then the two were back in the gallery. they watched as a little luz walked into her room and grabbed the book " mami can i read this before bed please!!" she giggled as her mom picked her up

luz and amity continued finding little pieces and fixed almost all of them. amity saw on of luz crying. " hey lets skip that one!" luz said as she jump infront of it " luz we have to fix it or else you'll be ripped apart. luz looked at it " let me do it alone" " im not gonna judge im here to help" amity and luz tured around at what appeared to be luz ? she had red eyes and dress in all black "oh hey its the freak!" she said " luz's heart dropped in fear " i can explain" amity looked shocked " luz what's going on ?" " no i cant tell you"

" oh im her self doubt and self hatred. "i think you should have k!llex yourself . the regular luz cried why do you have to do this" luz said as she fell on her knees

"what you think here let me demonstrate " the mean luz said. she tossed them into the memory. " you can't lie your nothing but a freak!" evil luz  said as he blew red smoke and the setting faded into a class room.

luz walked was sitting next to a girl on her phone. luz had sat a flower drawing next to her. " um hi im luz" the girl looked her up and down at her "i um wanted to ask you do you wanna hang out sometime" the girl went red " wait like a date?!" she was disgusted by luz's question

" you think im a f@g like you!!" she yelled the whole class began to whisper about luz's.the scene turned to a cafeteria. " hey can i sit with you guys?" luz asked  "eww the dyke weirdo want to kiss us come on girls!" someone said and got up to leave one boy threw a chocolate milk at luz and she was covered in the drink

" ha ha look the luzer is all wet" the boy said the whole cafeteria chanted tormenting luz . girl kisser girl kisser girl kisser. luz stood up amd ran to the janitor closet and began crying her eyes out. " stop!" the present luz said and evil luz appeared from around the box and maid everything vanish.

"luz you need to face it nobody will ever love you" evil luz said.  amity jumped in " hey leave her alone! shes not mean and people love her! the real luz looked up at amity with tears in her eyes. "so you actually like the sad excuse for a girl?!"

" amity it's true i like girls and guys thats why alot of people hate me and i was scared to tell anyone because after this day i never show my romantic feelings" luz said. amity hugged luz "i love you no matter what luz. and your not a freak. amity kissef luz and luz felt like she was floating.

they rang the bell and eda brought amity back. luz opened her eyes and everyone hugged her. for the first time in a while luz looked at amity and the two blushed "kid i think you should rest it startting to get late bye kids" eda walked upstairs to go to bed

as everyone was walking out the front door. luz grabbed amitys wrist. " can you stay i don't wanna be alone" amity agrees and her and luz kiss one more time and fell asleep. for once luz felt safe

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