m a d h a t t e r

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Stumbling in the quiet woods, was a short man carrying a blade with perks all men would cower in fear with. Every tree he slowly trembled passed he scraped with the blade, making creaky wood noises and disturbing silence.
He was badly injured, 3 arrows in side his body and outfit ripped, he was a bloody mess... literally.

Following from behind him were two of his companions. His loyal guard friends. They didnt want to disturb him as he had lashed out to them earlier...

"What the FUCK where you doing!?" Yelled the shortest,"dream please" replied the tallest, who wore a bandage covering his left eye and a bandana wrapped around his head.
"Oh SPARE ME THE LONG TALK! you- You- ARGH!" The boy with a green cloak ripped out a small blade from his leg and lobbing it to the the side "useless." He grumbled "george, where the fuck did he run off to?" 'Dream' asked, turning to the other, who was dealing with his and his friends current wounds "sir, he used a pearl, even if you wanted to; he'd be miles away by know"

A long silence lead and dream stood up from where he was purched by the damp log, he picked up his blade and started walking "sir?" The tall bloke spoke, "what?" The other spat wich lead to more silence as the other two just followed their king...

As the trees separated the three finally reached there home, it was a castle surrounded by numerous guards. "My lord! Are you- Oh my god!" A boy, not to taller then the green cloaked man said as he examined the damage caused by the arrows "a healing poison should do, I'll get them fixed up right know...before then just get them pulled out please" the man spoke motioning his finger in a circle whilst looking at the arrows.

"Got that eret..." the other grumbled at as he started to limp towards the castle entrance, leaving the other 3 behind as they watched.
"That damned pig" he groaned out frustrated over defeat of his arch rival. Shoving down his blade he ripped out to arrows with ease, yet the 3rd arrow... "oh.. shit.." it was in fully, and pulling out would most likely cause blood loss... "fuck, this is just great!" He flailed his arms about.

3 footsteps where heard from 2 different people. "Hello sir, my'lord how are you doing?" A shorter bloke spoke. "Honestly Zak" he turned to the boy "better then you." Zak frowned. "Dude I cant believe you thought that going out to assassinate Technobalde would be a good idea" Zak said folding his arms together and tilting his head in a disappointed look. Dream waved his hands infront of him in a reassuring way "na, it's fine. Ts what it is."

"I still think it was pretty stupid." Said the other man beside Zak
"Ah! 6, was looking forward to see you." Spoke the man. "Cant believe yous till work with this twat skeps." Zak, also known as skeppy to close friends shrugged. "Eh, I'm on nobody's side I  this case scenario. Still think this wars pathetic, we should be looking at the bigger threat."

6, dream and zak fell silent before someone spoke up, filling the room with a tense feeling. "Still worried about lmanburg?"
They all turned to see who spoke, looking at eret who was smirking with his glasses. "I can assure you not to be, those fools have no idea I work with you... and I have a charming idea" he spoke, whilst walking towards the king and handing him a red potion. "Drink it. Should heal you right up!"

Dream nodded before popping it open and drinking it, wiping his mouth as the arrow wich was once inside most likely one of his ribs, vanished; and all pain was relieved. "Thanks E." He said. "But I really dont want to discuss them.."
All a sudden a footstep was heard and as they turned, the eyes all of men turned with hate, shock and annoyance.

"Its cause you know youd have to team with me to stop them"

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