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Sun rays entered my room and made it look like a compartment of dark and light bands. Sleeping was not an option for me, my mind wouldn't let me sleep even if I wanted to, so I went through all the incidents of previous day in my mind, my eyes were swollen.

Later I got ready for school, headed down avoiding my parents and skipping breakfast because the chances were that, if they would have seen me being a nocturnal zombie they wouldn't have let me keep a single step out of the house until I'd have gave them a legitimate reason.

Which I didn't have.


On my way to school, I was thinking about different possibilities, what will I do if I came across Anna and how will I ask her the question?

We don't have any classes in common besides AP English. My phone buzzed, I took it out of my pocket and read the text from Sean it said,

"I can't come to school today, grand-pa Matthews passed away 2 hours ago, so we are on our way to El Paso."

I replied feeling sorry for him,"I am so sorry about your loss and pay my condolence to Mr and Mrs. Matthews and take care."

While walking into the corridor I noticed a poster of an up-coming carnival event,which was going to be held after two-weeks.

"Let's go to the carnival man!" Derek said from behind me.

"Wow! I didn't notice you coming. Nah! I don't wanna go the carnival." I exclaimed.

"What? Have you lost your freaking damn mind? Or you don't have any?" Derek said clearly exasperated.

"What will I do there? And it's not like I am saying, you and Sean can't go on account of me." I said.

"If you won't go with us, we will drag your ass out of your house and take you anyway. So you decide you wanna go the easy-way or the hard-way? And besides you might find a chick like you who would whine about everything." Derek said chuckling.

"Okay I'll go but you'll have to play a one-on-one match with me. " I said smiling.

"Fine! I will." He said.

"Oh! I forgot to ask you, how was your date?" I asked pushing the images aside, flashing my mind.

"It was great!" He said turning red.

"And?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Don't be a pervo, nothing like that happened we just made out." He said.

After our conversation, we headed towards our Physics class.


Derek joined me at our lunch break on usual table. He gave me murderous glare, as I was completely unaware of the reason for him to do that. So, I said, "Don't stare at me like that, people might think you are gay."

"Seriously? Stop playing dumb, now I know why you didn't want to go to that carnival you already had plans with your new girlfriend, you didn't even bother telling us. I knew something fishy was going on." he said angrily.

"What? I don't have a girlfriend and who is it that you are talking about?" I asked.

"Of-course Anna Wilson! Who else I saw you gawking at her yesterday and after school you were being all gentleman, when in reality you are a douche-bag and don't you deny that and today I over heard Anna saying that she went to your house after school." He said.

"No-way! This is a lie, I mean yes she came to my house yesterday just to return my wallet she found on the ground but she is totally not my girlfriend." I said.

"Don't lie and why can't she be?" He asked.

"Because there is something strange about her which creeps me out." I blurted out.

"Dude! Are you drunk or something? Come on! She seems innocent and sweet... I bet boys of our school would be freaking over her." He said.

He wasn't going to believe me so easily, so I didn't push that topic any further.

I looked for Anna in the cafeteria but couldn't find her and suddenly the bell rang, I was lucky that Derek left immediately for his next class. which reminded me of my next class  AP English.

After going to my class, I took my seat which is in 4th column 3rd row students were coming in and then came our teacher Mr Gates, he was a very good, kind and friendly teacher. He was in his early thirties. I bet many female teachers were falling over him.

"Good-Afternoon! Class." He greeted.

"Good-Afternoon! Mr.Gates." greeted the class.

"Okay class before we start, I would like to tell you that, for your next assignment each one of you will form a group with another, share your ideas, will make a final report and submit it, you have until next week." He explained the class.

Foot steps were heard by the whole class and whoever it was, sat down on one of the last rows.

"Ah! Dear Anna, what kept you behind?" He asked.

"I am so sorry! Mr Gates there was an emergency, it won't happen again." Anna answered.

She wasn't in class, then where was she?

"Oh well! Don't make it your habit but as you came a few minutes late, let me repeat what I just explained, for your next assignment you will form a group with one of your class mates. You have to work as a team." He explained while searching for someone.

"Blake! You are going to be Anna's group mate and rest of you can choose for yourselves." He said.

I was waiting for Mr.Gates to make other groups as well but it never happened. That didn't make any sense.

"B-But - "

"No buts and no whys." He cut me off and said.

God this can't be happening, I cursed under my breath, why me?

I looked back at Anna and she gave me haughty smile. It was smile for others but I knew that, she was planning something evil for me.

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