My Mafia Stepbrothers

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Name: Kim Y/N
Age: 17

Name: Kim Jungkook
Age: 21

Name: Kim Taehyung
Age: 23

Name: Kim Jimin
Age: 23

Name: Kim Namjoon
Age: 25

Name: Kim Hoseok
Age: 26

Name: Kim Yoongi
Age: 26

Name: Kim Seokjin
Age: 27

Name: Jack and Jake
Age: 18(Twins)

Name: Noah
Age: 20

Name: Liam
Age: 21

—————— Y/N's POV——————

Y/N: NO~

I was screaming into my pillows.

My mom was standing in the doorway crossing her arms While looking at me.

MOM: Oh C'mon!~... Y/N!

Y/N: No!

Today was moving Day my mom and I was moving in with my new stepdad.

Yep, you heard it my stepdad apparently my mom Got married secretly to her BOSS! And now expected i would move in with him?

No no no. I wasnt having it.

"My friends?"

My mom didn't like my friends she Said they were "bad" influence on me but I likes Them so I still Hung out with Them.

I get why she was worried, I mean Jack, Jake, Noah and Liam were the "bad" boys at my School, they smoked and did drugs Went to parties and stuff. They had been in trouble with the law before i had too but never that bad.
They were all a little Odder that me but I didn't Think it was much.

Y/N: Wha-?!

I was about to yell at my mom again but I didn't get to finish cause mom had carried me out the House and into the car.

"No No NO!.. i didn't get to say goodbye?!"

Mom: Can you just... Do this for me please?

She had started the car and started driving.

I didn't say anything and just looked away from her.

Mom: please?.. I know you still miss da-

Y/N: Don't...

I interrupted her, she just sighed.

Y/N: Don't mention him....

My dad was a tough subject for me.

He Got killed when I was 8 he was my Best friend and we did everything together, one Night him and i went to a gas station to buy late Night snacks without mom.

We took a short cut home through an alley, but unfortunetly it was a gangster area so my dad Got shot in front of me.

I didn't talk to anybody about it and started Being bad in School thats when i Met the boys they became my new family and ever since we've been together, but now... im moving...

Mom: Y/N just give it a chance at leaset he's very sweet... and so is he's sons...

" Sons?!"

"She didn't tell me that part!"

Y/N: What?!

Mom: surprise!.. he Got 7 sons...

"7 sons!?"

"What is that place is it an orphanage?.."

(No offense to orphans)

I didn't really pay attention for the rest of the ride cause i fell asleep.

————— Time Skip—————

I woke up on a couch my head was hurting like hell and when i sat up the smell of cigarettes immediatly hit my nose.

"Gosh.... why?.. at his time it's 8 in the morning"

I looked up to see 2 guys looking at me.

Y/N: Damn... it's 8 in the morning?..

???: No sweetie... It's 5 in the Noon...

He leaned back in the sofa and his friend Who was beside him was giring me death stares.

Y/N: Right... Well i dont wanna be HERE so imma go to Liams House...

I stod up and was about to go when someone grabbed me and turned me around.

Jin: The name Jin... and no you wont be going now go to bed theres School tomorrow...

Who the hell is this?!

Y/N: why?.. Im Not a baby..

He smirked at me

Jin: Well you see your mom... left you with us... for the next 2 months for a trip with our dad... so we Will take Care of u.., Baby...

"What?! Two months?!"

I started walking to the door.
I was about to grab the handle when someone stod infront of me.


Being the short tempered Girl i am i yelled.

???: Jungkook take her to her room and lock the door...

I tried to get away but a strong handsome boy grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder like i was nothing.

Y/N: YAH! I'm going wether you like it or not!

He carried me up the stairs and into a room i guess is mine.
He literally just threw me on the floor and left locking the door outside.

"You Think you Can keep me here?"

I started looking around the room there was a bed a door a window and a closet.
I went over to the window and looked out, there wasnt that High Down 2-3 stores.
I started dressing into some other clothes to go out in.

I found a simple Black hoodie and a pair of cowboy pants and some boost.

When i was about to jump out i heard my Phone ring.

I looked at the caller ID and Saw it was Liam so I picked it up.

———— On The Phone————

Liam: Y/N?! Where are you we're at the alley now?!

Y/N: Im coming... but i need you to Pick me up...

Liam: fine!.. where are you?...

Y/N: I'm at my new House we moved i just have to sneak out pretty easy and then you guys Can Pick me up Down the street?

Liam: Fine! Where?

Y/N: xxxxxx xxx street...

Liam: Okay we're coming..

Y/N thanks.. bye!

I hung up the Phone and looked out the window.

Well... Here Gores nothing?

——- To be continued——-

Hey guys its my Author i know this is a bad story but its my frist so if you have any ideal write Them to me and please give advice or say something about it! Thank you for Reading!

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