Part 1

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Because Rey was the only boy he had to room with Frost which was usually fine but he worried Simmer and Scarlet would plan something dark without him there to stop them. Rey's Dreams were always the same thing he and Frost talking outside of their mountain prison, Simmer and Scarlet laughing,

Arin watching proudly. Then Darkness spilled in and creatures brutally slaughtered his friends and he couldn't do anything. Then he shot awake panicking It was a nightly routine he had the dream he shot awake and Frost came over to comfort him. It worried Frost, the others didn't think anything of it but Frost knew that wasn't normal but what could she do?


Before she could even process the thought Thunder crashed and what she assumed an explosion sounding like after Arin explained it. She looked over and Rey was still sound asleep. She sighed to herself she knew he couldn't help it but it was sweet as well as annoying. She swiftly ran over to Rey and woke him up then was on her way to Simmer and Scarlet's room but she heard growls and figured they were awake already. They ran into their living room to find a moaning half dead Arin and a whole bunch of scary very angry Creatures.


Scarlet ran faster then ever she had to be the first one there she couldn't let Rey or Frost get hurt. Shortly after she saw she was too late. She swiftly pulled Frost and Rey behind her. They stood in silence for a few minutes before she even noticed Arin dying on the ground. She smirked as he got what he deserved. But she quickly realized she would have to save him because Frost would be devastated if he died, she sighed.

Finally one of them spoke in all most too sweet voice. "Hello, children my name is Tyri I am your new Guardian." Scarlet couldn't hold her excitement finally they would be able to get out of this horrible place. But what if they end up in another place but worse she cursed quietly to herself.

"What's that dear?" Scarlet hissed "okay point taken."

"What happened to Arin?" Frost cried.

"Oh so that's what he calls himself these days tsk tsk he disobeyed my command so if he dies I just hope it's slow."

Frost gasped, Scarlet actually felt bad for her even if she was a cowardly lizard.


Simmer heard the commotion but she felt tired and figured no one ever needed her anyway so why bother? She looked around having trouble sleeping she watched the boring features of her room grey with the occasional black of the shadows the window just a crack in the wall with a bit of light coming through during the day. After a few minutes, she gave in getting out of bed and walking to where the commotion was still happening. She quickly gasped seeing Arin and her friends surrounded by these creatures it was horrifying. Tears were sliding down Frost's cheeks, Rey was comforting her, and Scarlet was in a staring competition with the eldest and biggest creature.

"Oh," the creature staring at scarlet finally said after a moment of silence "just the little creature I was looking for." What! someone was looking for her of all people?

"You were looking" Simmer asked skeptically "I'm just a nobody."

"Oh, how cute but oh how very wrong, did Arin never tell you how special you are?" Tyri Asked very confused. She knew this was a lie however she was just Simmer the least important creature ever she sighed to herself. Why do I have to be so negative part of her though the other part though agreed she was nothing important.

"Leave her alone" Frost commanded, "what did she do to you?"

"Nothing important" Simmer said trying to hold back the tears that would inevitably come. All she was good for was analyzing threats and things not being special let alone helpful. She looked behind Tyri there were a few razorbacks and sicions but one kind of creature she didn't know about It had a single gold horn slightly above its head and three eyes two in front a one on the back of her head she stood on four legs and held these sickle-like weapons in her other two.

Blade-like spikes on her back which apparently came clean off because she tore a smaller one off to sharpen her talons. Overall she was a living nightmare.

"Silver come here please" Tyri called out to the back of the room "check his body" pointing a talon at Arin's unmoving body. The nightmarish creature moved closer to Simmer she seemed to radiate coldness. Now that Silver was closer she realized she had an amulet and a silver armband and a silver and gold ring with a sparkling ruby in the center. Was it her imagination or did that third eye seem fake? As Silver walked by she winked at Simmer, walked over to Arin touched his neck to find a pulse.

"He's dead," she said in a completely heartless way. Frost gasped more and more tears sliding down her face Rey moving towards one of Tyri's guards.


Rey walked towards a guard quickly grabbing a rock and beating it across his head. He hates violence but who knows what these guards would be about to do. Tyri looked over and opened her mouth to bellow an order but Scarlet was there pouncing on Tyri before anything could be said. Rey looked over and Silver was...killing guards? And Rey was now certain that Arin was breathing so why did silver lie? Is she a spy? Is she just choosing the side that appears to be winning? Rey had so many questions that he wanted to ask but right now he had one job to get his friends out of here. While Rey was fighting he caught glimpses of the night THE REAL NIGHT! It was a swirl of purple and black with a blast of dark pink here and there and exploding with white stars. One of the two moons was red tonight I wonder why? He asked himself. Then something else exploded but not here somewhere in the never-ending blackness of night. All he heard was Tyri screaming "no not now please not now."


She shot a glance at Arin before hearing the explosion. Tyri's scream was ear-shattering then pain shot across her leg and she looked down and a guard speared her leg she was bleeding. She started to blackout before Rey came and grabbed her rushing for the gash in the rock wall. In his rush, he cut his arm on a jagged area of the sharp stone. Tyri grabbed Rey

"Don't go it's not safe it's coming" She said in a scratch voice

Scarlet came and threw her into a wall, she yelped in pain. Simmer was trying to get to them but guards were blocking her way Rey tried to shout to simmer to watch out but it was too late silver was behind her.

"Watch out" Frost cried with what was left of her breath. Then Silver stabbed Simmer with one of her blades, Simmer tried to walk but fell Frost tried to see if she was breathing but there was no sign of life she cried.


Frost was like a little sister to her so the moment Frost cried she was there. All frost could manage was a point in the direction of Simmer between sobs. She looked over and saw silver hastily grab Simmer's dead body out the hole in the mountain. Right, when silver left with Simmer a winged creature came in bellowing fire out of his throat is was like nothing she had ever seen it burned licking along the stone and dead guards the heat radiated towards her the red mixed with orange and white came at Rey and Frost. She without thinking jumped in front of the fire. It hurt like nothing ever else had but then it stopped she didn't feel the pain anymore but she seemed to still be there with her friends and the creature and the dead guards at least what was left of them. She actually felt cold but how? She was on fire quit literally so why did she feel cold? She got up growled and threw a rock up the throat of the dark-winged creature and the fire stopped both Rey's and Frost's face lit up and were horrified at the same time. Tyri said Simmer was special could she be too? ... speaking of Tyri where is that lizard she looked around but there was no sign of her she snickered maybe she got burned to a crisp she looked at bot Rey and Frost "let's go" she shouted "it's not safe and yes Frost I'll get Arin all of them grinned. But she quickly realized the big dragon was gone. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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